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Shifting the Focus

Ash, Andrew; Macdonald, Iain


Andrew Ash

Iain Macdonald


When Art and Design (A&D) teachers visit contemporary galleries with their classes they are increasingly confronted with moving image art pieces and films. However, there is a sense that many A&D teachers, while for the most part feel confident in front of paintings, sculpture or photography, do feel slightly ill-equipped to teach or appreciate the moving image found in an art gallery (Ofsted 2009). School children on the other hand are still more likely to post their films and video clips on You Tube which they have created at home than bring into the art room. Yet there have been several articles written in iJADE (iJADE 2001 20.3) that have illustrated the opportunities for greater media literacy and for ‘incorporating aspects of our visual world into the mandatory curriculum’ for elementary and secondary schools. In our paper we would like to develop a philosophical argument for including the moving image in the A&D curriculum and show examples of innovative practice from secondary schools to support the discussion. We also intend to consider strategies that can assist A&D teachers when using the moving image.


Ash, A., & Macdonald, I. (2010, October). Shifting the Focus. Paper presented at International Journal of Art & Design Education, Liverpool

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (unpublished)
Conference Name International Journal of Art & Design Education
Start Date Oct 8, 2010
End Date Oct 8, 2010
Deposit Date Feb 2, 2011
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Keywords Art and Design teaching; moving image art pieces; installations; films; videos; art galleries;
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