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Assessment as a locus for engagement: priorities and practicalities

Sambell, Kay; Brown, Sally; Race, Phil


Kay Sambell

Sally Brown

Phil Race


This paper considers how assessment can productively act as a locus for engagement. It focuses on the important case being made by diverse global assessment experts who argue that we would do well to rethink assessment such that learning, rather than quality assurance and measurement, becomes the main priority of assessment design in higher education settings. New discourses of assessment have emerged internationally to capture this important conceptual shift. These are briefly indicated and linked to key design features and indicative practices whereby assessment and feedback environments can be enhanced to promote and foster learner engagement. The paper highlights the importance of incorporating assessment for learning (AfL) approaches which are authentic to the ways of thinking and practising of the subject community within a given field of study. It proposes that advancing the assessment and feedback literacy and capabilities of assessees through authentic assessment and dialogic approaches are vital, but these need to be embedded in the disciplinary content and inherently viewed as peda-gogic practices, rather than piecemeal approaches or bolt-on additions to the extant curriculum. It puts forward suggestions for effective implementation , but concludes that the development of staff assessment literacy, underpinned by academics' familiarity with new assessment discourses, is a fundamental prerequisite for effective AfL environments. This is highlighted as one of the key contextual challenges that must be acknowledged and addressed if AfL is to be scaled up meaningfully as a locus of learner engagement.


Sambell, K., Brown, S., & Race, P. (2019). Assessment as a locus for engagement: priorities and practicalities. Giornale Italiano della Recerca Educativa,

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Apr 30, 2019
Online Publication Date Jun 7, 2019
Publication Date Jun 8, 2019
Deposit Date Jul 4, 2019
Publicly Available Date Jul 9, 2019
Journal Journal
Print ISSN 2038-9736
Electronic ISSN 2038-9744
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Series Title Peer feedback and technology-enhanced assessment as critical issues to foster student learning
Keywords Assessment for learning, assessment design, authentic assessment, assessment literacy, feedback literacy, assessment discourse
Public URL
Publisher URL
Contract Date Jul 4, 2019


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