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DIY networking as a facilitator for interdisciplinary research on the hybrid city.

Andriotis, Panagiotis; Apostol, Ileana; Gaved, Mark; Smyth, Michael; Unteidig, Andreas


Panagiotis Andriotis

Ileana Apostol

Mark Gaved

Andreas Unteidig


Louliani Theona

Dimitris Charitos


DIY networking is a technology with special characteristics compared to the public Internet, which holds a unique potential for empowering citizens to shape their hybrid urban space toward conviviality and collective awareness. It can also play the role of a
“boundary object” for facilitating interdisciplinary interactions and participatory processes between different actors: researchers, engineers, practitioners, artists, designers, local authorities, and activists. This position paper presents a social learning framework, the DIY networking paradigm, that we aim to put in the centre of the hybrid space design process. We first introduce our individual views on the role of design as discussed in the fields of engineering, urban planning, urban interaction design, design research, and community informatics. We then introduce a simple
methodology for combining these diverse perspectives into a meaningful interdisciplinary collaboration, through a series of related events with different structure and framing. We conclude with a short summary of a selection of these events, which serves also as an introduction to the CONTACT workshop on facilitating
information sharing between strangers, in the context of the Hybrid City III conference.


Andriotis, P., Apostol, I., Gaved, M., Smyth, M., & Unteidig, A. (2015, September). DIY networking as a facilitator for interdisciplinary research on the hybrid city. Presented at Hybrid City 2015: Data to the People

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name Hybrid City 2015: Data to the People
Start Date Sep 17, 2015
End Date Sep 19, 2015
Publication Date 2015
Deposit Date Mar 1, 2016
Publicly Available Date Jul 10, 2023
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Pages 65-72
Book Title Proceedings of Hybrid City 2015: Data to the People
ISBN 978-960-99791-2-2
Keywords DIY networking; offline networks; hybrid space; collective awareness; interdisciplinarity;
Public URL
Publisher URL id=41


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