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Exploring intercultural awareness: international student mobility in China and the UK through a non-essentialist lens.

Foster, Monika


Monika Foster


Donna Velliaris

Deb Coleman-George


This chapter is focused on the increased internationalisation of teaching and learning in Higher Education (HE) worldwide (Knight 2006; Caruana & Spurling, 2007) and specifically the ambition to internationalise the student experience (Hyland et al., 2008). The specific interest is ‘internationalisation’ from the students’ perspective as it focuses on ‘academic learning that blends the concepts of self, strange, foreign and otherness’ (Teekens, 2006, p. 17). This view of internationalisation is also congruent with the perspectives of Appadurai (2001), Haigh (2009) and Sanderson (2011) who foreground the value of personal awareness in intercultural encounters in HE. The interest for the study stemmed from a desire to examine the complexities underpinning the concept of ‘a culture of learning’ in student mobility through a non-essentialist lens. Exploring the rich and individual student perspectives, the objectives of this study included: (a) to explore how students can benefit from cultural diversity through mobility; and (b) to raise awareness of their own and other cultures of learning, with both points contributing to the development of one’s ‘intercultural capacity’ i.e., a Graduate Attribute.


Foster, M. (2016). Exploring intercultural awareness: international student mobility in China and the UK through a non-essentialist lens. In D. Velliaris, & D. Coleman-George (Eds.), Handbook of research on study abroad programs and outbound mobility (349-370). IGI Global

Acceptance Date Jun 30, 2016
Online Publication Date Aug 1, 2016
Publication Date 2016-08
Deposit Date Dec 16, 2014
Publisher IGI Global
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Pages 349-370
Book Title Handbook of research on study abroad programs and outbound mobility.
Chapter Number 14
ISBN 9781522501695
Keywords Student mobility, China, UK, intercultural awareness, international students,
Public URL

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