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An evaluation of a sketching interface for interaction with concatenative sound synthesis.

Tsiros, Augoustinos; LePl�tre, Gr�gory


Augoustinos Tsiros

Gr�gory LePl�tre


This paper presents the evaluation of morpheme a sketching interface for the control of sound synthesis. We explain the task that was designed in order to assess the effectiveness of the interface, detect usability issues and gather participants’ responses regarding cognitive, experiential and expressive aspects of the interaction. The evaluation comprises a design task, where partici-pants were asked to design two soundscapes using the morpheme interface for two video footages. Responses were gathered using a series of likert type and open-ended questions. The analysis of the data gathered revealed a number of usability issues, however the performance of morpheme was satisfactory and participants recognised the creative potential of the interface and the synthesis methods for sound design applications.


Tsiros, A., & LePlâtre, G. (2016, September). An evaluation of a sketching interface for interaction with concatenative sound synthesis. Paper presented at 42nd International Computer Music Conference

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (unpublished)
Conference Name 42nd International Computer Music Conference
Start Date Sep 12, 2016
End Date Sep 16, 2016
Acceptance Date Sep 12, 2016
Deposit Date Jul 7, 2016
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Book Title 42nd International Computer Music Conference, (to appear)
Keywords Sound synthesis; interface; evaluation;
Public URL