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Thinking and reasoning in therapy: narratives from practice.


Susan Elizabeth Ryan


This book provides a clear introduction to clinical reasoning, helping therapists to incorporate the concept in their practice. Case studies and narratives are used to show how clinical reasoning is applied. International contributors offer insights into cultural systems, expectations and values. It shows how clinical reasoning is integral to all aspects of therapeutic developments. It explores the use of narrative as a research methodology.


Ryan, S. E., & McKay, E. (Eds.). (1999). Thinking and reasoning in therapy: narratives from practice. Nelson Thornes Ltd

Book Type Edited Book
Acceptance Date Feb 1, 1999
Publication Date Jun 15, 1999
Deposit Date Feb 28, 2018
Book Title Thinking and Reasoning in Therapy: Narratives from Practice
Chapter Number N/A
ISBN 978-0748737178
Keywords Clinical Reasoning, Therapist, Practice,
Public URL