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Outputs (4)

From urban space to future place. (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Helgason, I., Jensen, L., Rosenbak, S., Skrinjar, L., Smyth, M., Streinzer, A., Surawska, O., & Wouters, N. (2013, October). From urban space to future place

How the UrbanIxD summer school applied critical design & design fiction to future urban technologies. Produced in collaboration with the Book Sprints for ICT Research FP7 project.

UrbanixD: designing human interactions in the networked city (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Smyth, M., Helgason, I., Brynskov, M., Mitrovic, I., & Zaffiro, G. (2013, April). UrbanixD: designing human interactions in the networked city. Presented at CHI '13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems

Interaction Design, in an urban context, is an increasingly important field of research. City populations are currently in a state of rapid flux. Conurbations are fast becoming a hybrid of the physical environment and the digital datasphere. How we,... Read More about UrbanixD: designing human interactions in the networked city.

Tangible possibilities—envisioning interactions in public space (2013)
Journal Article
Smyth, M., & Helgason, I. (2013). Tangible possibilities—envisioning interactions in public space. Digital Creativity, 24(1), 75-87.

This article explores approaches to envisionment in the field of interaction design. Design fictions are introduced as a method to articulate future possibilities. Three case studies are described which explore interaction in public space. The fictio... Read More about Tangible possibilities—envisioning interactions in public space.