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Outputs (2)

Simulating the actions of commuters using a multi-agent system (2019)
Journal Article
Urquhart, N., Powers, S., Wall, Z., Fonzone, A., Ge, J., & Polhill, G. (2019). Simulating the actions of commuters using a multi-agent system. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 22(2),

The activity of commuting to and from a place of work affects not only those travelling but also wider society through their contribution to congestion and pollution. It is desirable to have a means of simulating commuting in order to allow organisat... Read More about Simulating the actions of commuters using a multi-agent system.

Evolving solution choice and decision support for a real-world optimisation problem (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Urquhart, N., & Fonzone, A. (2017, July). Evolving solution choice and decision support for a real-world optimisation problem. Presented at Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference on - GECCO '17, Berlin, Germany

Agencies who provide social care services typically have to optimise staff allocations and the travel whilst attempting to satisfy conflicting objectives. In such cases it is desirable to have a range of solutions to choose from, allowing the agenc... Read More about Evolving solution choice and decision support for a real-world optimisation problem.