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Outputs (396)

Symbiotic cognitive networks: a proposal. (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Rasheed, T., Hart, E., Falconer, R., & Bown, J. (2010, July). Symbiotic cognitive networks: a proposal. Presented at 9th International Conference Artificial Immune Systems ICARIS 2010

We describe the concept of a cognitive network and propose that ecosystems of co-existing networks which are globally energy efficient while providing the expected quality of service can be realised by exploiting two mechanisms which occur in biologi... Read More about Symbiotic cognitive networks: a proposal..

Social support mechanisms of the elderly: insights from the British Household panel survey (2010)
Journal Article
Raeside, R., Gayen, K., & Canduela, J. (2010). Social support mechanisms of the elderly: insights from the British Household panel survey. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences: Annual Review, 5, 163-178

Many European countries are facing a future of an ageing society. This has arisen from a prolonged period of low fertility. To provide support for the elderly reliance is often placed on support from younger relatives and from friends. To understand... Read More about Social support mechanisms of the elderly: insights from the British Household panel survey.

Concept Neighbourhoods in Lexical Databases (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Priss, U., & Old, L. J. (2010, March). Concept Neighbourhoods in Lexical Databases. Presented at International Conference on Formal Concept Analysis ICFCA 2010: Formal Concept Analysis, Agadir, Morocco

This paper discusses results from an experimental study of concept
neighbourhoods in WordNet and Roget’s Thesaurus. The general aim of this research is to determine ways in which neighbourhood lattices can be derived in real time from a lexical data... Read More about Concept Neighbourhoods in Lexical Databases.

Concept neighbourhoods in knowledge organisation systems. (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Priss, U., & Old, L. J. (2010, February). Concept neighbourhoods in knowledge organisation systems. Presented at Eleventh international ISKO conference, Rome, Italy

This paper discusses the application of concept neighbourhoods (in the sense of Formal Concept Analysis) to Knowledge Organisation Systems.
Examples are provided using Roget’s Thesaurus, WordNet and Wikipedia categories

Combining FCA software and Sage. (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Priss, U. (2010, October). Combining FCA software and Sage. Presented at International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications

A comparative study of in-band and out-of-band VOIP protocols in layer 3 and layer 2.5 environments (2010)
Pallis, G. A comparative study of in-band and out-of-band VOIP protocols in layer 3 and layer 2.5 environments. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

For more than a century the classic circuit-switched telephony in the form of PSTN (Public Service Telephone Network) has dominated the world of phone communications (Varshney et al., 2002). The alternative solution of VoIP (Voice over Internet Proto... Read More about A comparative study of in-band and out-of-band VOIP protocols in layer 3 and layer 2.5 environments.

Sustainable energy for world economies (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Muneer, T. (2010, December). Sustainable energy for world economies. Presented at Energy Options Impact on Regional Security

Energy is inevitable for human life and a secure and accessible supply of energy is crucial for the sustainability of modern societies. Yet mankind now faces challenges of depletion of fossil fuel reserves, global warming and other environmental conc... Read More about Sustainable energy for world economies.

Environmental sustainability in the construction Industry in developing countries: a study of embodied energy of low-cost housing. (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mpakati Gama, E., Wamuziri, S., & Sloan, B. (2010, September). Environmental sustainability in the construction Industry in developing countries: a study of embodied energy of low-cost housing. Presented at 26th Annual ARCOM Conference

The embodied energy (EE) of a residential building is estimated at 20-40% of
operation energy over its total usable life. However, this varies from one context to
the other due to the primary energy used, technological advancement of a particular... Read More about Environmental sustainability in the construction Industry in developing countries: a study of embodied energy of low-cost housing..