TouchEnc: a Novel Behavioural Encoding Technique to Enable Computer Vision for Continuous Smartphone User Authentication
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Aaby, P., Giuffrida, M. V., Buchanan, W. J., & Tan, Z. (2023, November). TouchEnc: a Novel Behavioural Encoding Technique to Enable Computer Vision for Continuous Smartphone User Authentication. Presented at The 22nd IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom-2023), Exeter, UK
We are increasingly required to prove our identity when using smartphones through explicit authentication processes such as passwords or physiological biometrics, e.g., authorising online banking transactions or unlocking smartphones. However, these... Read More about TouchEnc: a Novel Behavioural Encoding Technique to Enable Computer Vision for Continuous Smartphone User Authentication.