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Welcome to Edinburgh Napier Research Repository

The ‘Research Repository’ is the open access institutional repository of Edinburgh Napier University. It contains examples of research outputs produced by staff and research students, as well as related information about the university's funded projects and staff research interests.

Whenever possible, refereed documents accepted for publication, or finished artistic compositions presented in public, will be made available here in full digital format, and hyperlinks to standard published versions will be provided. Any questions about submissions to the repository or problems with access to any of its content should be sent to the Repository Team at

Latest Additions

Creating a people-centred view on risk and restorative justice (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Shapland, J., Buchan, J., Kirkwood, S., & Zinsstag, E. (2023, September). Creating a people-centred view on risk and restorative justice. Paper presented at Eurocrim 2023: The Renaissance of European Criminology, Florence, Italy

Progressive penality as performance (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Buchan, J., & McNeill, F. (2023, September). Progressive penality as performance. Paper presented at Eurocrim 2023: The Renaissance of European Criminology, Florence, Italy

Bamboo scrimber dowel-type joints for engineered wood and bamboo structures (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Yang, J., D'Amico, B., Zheng, Y., & khokhar, A. (2025, June). Bamboo scrimber dowel-type joints for engineered wood and bamboo structures. Paper presented at World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE) 2025, Brisbane, Australia

This research delves into dowel-type joints with bamboo scrimber as an innovative alternative to traditional wooden fasteners. The focus is on their application in connecting timber elements of medium density suitable for engineered wood or bamboo pr... Read More about Bamboo scrimber dowel-type joints for engineered wood and bamboo structures.

Bamboo scrimber dowels for novel engineered wood and bamboo connections: A preliminary investigation (2025)
Journal Article
Yang, J., D'Amico, B., Yu, Z., & Aamir, K. (in press). Bamboo scrimber dowels for novel engineered wood and bamboo connections: A preliminary investigation. Wood Material Science and Engineering,

Bamboo scrimber, a bamboo fibre-based composite made from crushed bamboo fibre, has gained significant attention from researchers and manufacturers due to its exceptional mechanical performance and innovative structural design. This paper introduces... Read More about Bamboo scrimber dowels for novel engineered wood and bamboo connections: A preliminary investigation.