Does the sheer prevalence of lung diseases such as asthma and COPD lead to the overlooking of restrictive pulmonary defects?
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Tahir, M., O’Byrne, L., Starren, E., Roberts, N. J., Haffenden, R., Patel, I., & Partridge, M. Does the sheer prevalence of lung diseases such as asthma and COPD lead to the overlooking of restrictive pulmonary defects?. Presented at British Thoracic Society winter meeting, London
Introduction: Use of spirometry enhances diagnostic accuracy. This report concerns one aspect of evaluation of the first 3.5 years of a community respiratory assessment unit. Methods Referral forms, nurses’ records and results of investigations of pa... Read More about Does the sheer prevalence of lung diseases such as asthma and COPD lead to the overlooking of restrictive pulmonary defects?.