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All Outputs (3)

The acceptability to patients and professionals of remote blood pressure monitoring using mobile phones (2009)
Journal Article
Bostock, Y., Hanley, J., McGown, D., Pinnock, H., Padfield, P., & McKinstry, B. (2009). The acceptability to patients and professionals of remote blood pressure monitoring using mobile phones. Primary health care research & development, 10(04), 299.

To establish the acceptability of telemetric monitoring of blood pressure to patients and clinicians.
Telemetric monitoring of blood pressure (BP) may allow clinicians and patients, in partnership, to more quickly control high BP through medication... Read More about The acceptability to patients and professionals of remote blood pressure monitoring using mobile phones.

The impact of a telemetric chronic obstructive pulmonary disease monitoring service: randomised controlled trial with economic evaluation and nested qualitative study (2009)
Journal Article
Pinnock, H., Hanley, J., Lewis, S., MacNeed, W., Pagliarie, C., van der Polf, M., Sheikhg, A., & McKinstryh, B. (2009). The impact of a telemetric chronic obstructive pulmonary disease monitoring service: randomised controlled trial with economic evaluation and nested qualitative study. Primary Care Respiratory Journal, 18(3), 233-235.

Protocol Summary
The impact of a telemetric chronic obstructive pulmonary disease monitoring service: randomised controlled trial with economic evaluation and nested qualitative study.

Giving Them Something to Hate: Using Prototypes as a Vehicle for Early Engagement in Virtual Organizations (2009)
Journal Article
Ure, J., Rakebrandt, F., Lloyd, S., Khanban, A., Procter, R., Anderson, S., Hanley, J., Hartswood, M., Pagliari, C., McKinstry, B., Tarling, A., Kidd, G., & Corscadden, P. (2009). Giving Them Something to Hate: Using Prototypes as a Vehicle for Early Engagement in Virtual Organizations. Social Science Computer Review, 27(4), 569-582.

There are recognized problems in the course of requirements analysis and design for heterogeneous, distributed, and dynamic systems. These are particularly evident where the context of future use is not yet clear to users, and where the implementatio... Read More about Giving Them Something to Hate: Using Prototypes as a Vehicle for Early Engagement in Virtual Organizations.