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All Outputs (49)

Responsibility for digital archiving and long-term access to digital data. JISC/NPO Studies on the Preservation of Electronic Materials (1997)
Haynes, D., Streatfield, D., Jowett, T., & Blake, M. (1997). Responsibility for digital archiving and long-term access to digital data. JISC/NPO Studies on the Preservation of Electronic Materials. London: Jisc

This report presents the findings of an investigation into opinions on the responsibility for maintaining an archive of digital materials produced in the UK and Ireland. The study was conducted by means of focus group meetings and interviews. The rep... Read More about Responsibility for digital archiving and long-term access to digital data. JISC/NPO Studies on the Preservation of Electronic Materials.

Records Management (1997)
Book Chapter
Haynes, D. (1997). Records Management. In A. Scammell (Ed.), Handbook of Special Librarianship and Information Work. Aslib

Abstract not available.

Large join order optimization on parallel shared-nothing database machines using genetic algorithms (1997)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Nafjan, K. A., & Kerridge, J. M. (1997, August). Large join order optimization on parallel shared-nothing database machines using genetic algorithms. Presented at Euro-Par'97 Parallel Processing: Third International Euro-Par Conference, Passau, Germany

This paper proposes the use of genetic algorithms (GAs) for optimizing the sequence of large joins execution on parallel shared-nothing database architectures. In order to measure the suitability of this method we compare the GA that we have specific... Read More about Large join order optimization on parallel shared-nothing database machines using genetic algorithms.

Teleworking 96: an international collaborative learning package for information entrepreneurs. (1997)
Journal Article
Wormell, I., & Davenport, E. (1997). Teleworking 96: an international collaborative learning package for information entrepreneurs. International forum on information and documentation, 21, 17-20

Describes the implementation of an international joint course developed by Queen Margaret College in Scotland and the Royal School of Librarianship in Denmark introducing undergraduate students to tools and issues relevant to teleworking, or working... Read More about Teleworking 96: an international collaborative learning package for information entrepreneurs..

Supporting cooperative working using shared notebooks. (1997)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Turner, P., & Turner, S. (1997, September). Supporting cooperative working using shared notebooks

This paper discusses the use of a shared cooperative notebook by a group of software engineers and support staff distributed over two sites. The design: of the notebook is described and results of the pilot trial reported It was found that the system... Read More about Supporting cooperative working using shared notebooks..

Distance estimation in minimal virtual reality environments. (1997)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Turner, P., & Turner, S. (1997, November). Distance estimation in minimal virtual reality environments

This paper reports on an experimental study into distance estimation in a simple virtual environment. The results have been then compared with an experimental study of spatial cognition in the real world. It is concluded that the minimal virtual envi... Read More about Distance estimation in minimal virtual reality environments..

Collaborative notebooks for the virtual workplace. (1997)
Book Chapter
Turner, P., Green, S., Turner, S., & Mayne, P. (1997). Collaborative notebooks for the virtual workplace. In M. Igbaria, & M. Tan (Eds.), The Virtual Workplace (187-198). Idea Press

What does it really cost? allocating indirect costs. (1997)
Journal Article
Snyder, H., & Davenport, E. (1997). What does it really cost? allocating indirect costs. Bottom Line, 10(4), 158-164.

Better managerial control in terms of decision making and understanding the total costs of a system or service result from allocating indirect costs. Allocation requires a three-step process of selecting cost objectives, pooling related overhead cost... Read More about What does it really cost? allocating indirect costs..

Costing and pricing in the digital age: a practical guide for information services. (1997)
Snyder, H., & Davenport, E. (1997). Costing and pricing in the digital age: a practical guide for information services. Neal-Schuman Publishers

The take-up of electronic information services has been retarded as much by the novel aspects of the pricing and accounting of resources they represent as by fear of technology or tight budgets. Library provision poses special problems as it must acc... Read More about Costing and pricing in the digital age: a practical guide for information services..

Enhancing community and collaboration in the virtual library. (1997)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Procter, R., McKinlay, A., Goldenberg, A., Davenport, E., Burnhill, P., & Cannell, S. (1997, September). Enhancing community and collaboration in the virtual library

The advent of the virtual library is usually presented as a welcome development for library users. Unfortunately, the emphasis which is often placed upon convenience of access tends to reinforce the perception of the use of information resources as a... Read More about Enhancing community and collaboration in the virtual library..

Using active constructs in user-interfaces to object-oriented databases. (1997)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mitchell, K., Kennedy, J., & Barclay, P. J. (1997, August). Using active constructs in user-interfaces to object-oriented databases. Presented at In Procs of the 1st International Database engine

This paper examines the use of active constructs in the definition of user-interfaces to object-oriented databases. A development environment for user-interfaces to databases is presented which features the interactive use of active features of an ob... Read More about Using active constructs in user-interfaces to object-oriented databases..

The perspective tunnel: An inside view on smoothly integrating detail and context. (1997)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mitchell, K., & Kennedy, J. (1997, April). The perspective tunnel: An inside view on smoothly integrating detail and context. Presented at Proc. of Eurographics Workshop on Visualisation in Scientific Computing

The perspective tunnel, a general kind of information visualisation artefact, embodies a visual form which exploits natural human visual perception. Perspective tunnels map information on to the floor, ceiling and walls of a tunnel, so that both ever... Read More about The perspective tunnel: An inside view on smoothly integrating detail and context..

Representing temporal relationships between events and their effects. (1997)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ma, J., Knight, B., & Peng, T. (1997, May). Representing temporal relationships between events and their effects. Presented at 4th Workshop on Temporal Representation and Reasoning

Temporal relationships between events and their effects
are complex. As the ejjects of a given event, a
proposition may change its truth value immediately after
the occurrence of the event and remain true until some
other events occur, while anot... Read More about Representing temporal relationships between events and their effects..

Formal methods for the re-engineering of computing systems. (1997)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Liu, X., Yang, H., & Zedan, H. (1997, August). Formal methods for the re-engineering of computing systems

This paper presents a short review of formal methods and their use in the re-engineering of computing systems. Five classes of formal notations and theories, namely state/model-based, logic-based, algebraic-based, process algebra and net-based formal... Read More about Formal methods for the re-engineering of computing systems..

A design framework for system re-engineering. (1997)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Liu, X., Chen, Z., Yang, H., Zedan, H., & Chu, W. (1997, December). A design framework for system re-engineering

We discuss the current situation of formal methods and their use in the re-engineering of computing systems, especially real time systems. Based on the analysis result, a solution which uses a consistent 4-sector Wide Spectrum Language (WSL) is propo... Read More about A design framework for system re-engineering..

A discrete formalism for reasoning about action and change (1997)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Knight, B., Ma, J., & Peng, T. (1997, July). A discrete formalism for reasoning about action and change. Presented at The Twelfth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Engineering

No abstract available.

You'll wish it was all over: the bibliographic control of grey literature with reference to print football fanzines (1997)
Journal Article
Hall, H., & Smith, N. (1997). You'll wish it was all over: the bibliographic control of grey literature with reference to print football fanzines. Serials, 10(2), 189-194.

Since the mid-1970s there has been a growth in the availability of self-published serial material for fans of football teams, science fiction series and bands. Typically, dissemination of these publications is through specialised channels in low prin... Read More about You'll wish it was all over: the bibliographic control of grey literature with reference to print football fanzines.

Telework 96: an international collaborative learning package for information entrepreneurs. (1997)
Journal Article
Davenport, E., & Wormell, I. (1997). Telework 96: an international collaborative learning package for information entrepreneurs. Education for Information, 15, 43-56

Describes the implementation of an international joint course developed by Queen Margaret College in Scotland and the Royal School of Librarianship in Denmark introducing undergraduate students to tools and issues relevant to teleworking, or working... Read More about Telework 96: an international collaborative learning package for information entrepreneurs..