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All Outputs (3)

A discrete formalism for reasoning about action and change (1997)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Knight, B., Ma, J., & Peng, T. (1997, July). A discrete formalism for reasoning about action and change. Presented at The Twelfth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Engineering

No abstract available.

Representing temporal relationships between events and their effects. (1997)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ma, J., Knight, B., & Peng, T. (1997, May). Representing temporal relationships between events and their effects. Presented at 4th Workshop on Temporal Representation and Reasoning

Temporal relationships between events and their effects
are complex. As the ejjects of a given event, a
proposition may change its truth value immediately after
the occurrence of the event and remain true until some
other events occur, while anot... Read More about Representing temporal relationships between events and their effects..