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Performance of five different electrospray ionisation sources in conjunction with rapid monolithic column liquid chromatography and fast MS/MS scanning. (2009)
Journal Article
Burgess, K. E. V., Lainson, A., Imrie, L., Fraser-Pitt, D. J., Yaga, R., Smith, D. G. E., Swart, R., Pitt, A. R., & Inglis, N. F. (2009). Performance of five different electrospray ionisation sources in conjunction with rapid monolithic column liquid chromatography and fast MS/MS scanning. Proteomics, 9, 1720-1726.

The performances of five different ESI sources coupled to a polystyrene-divinylbenzene monolithic column were compared in a series of LC-ESI-MS/MS analyses of Escherichia coli outer membrane proteins. The sources selected for comparison included two... Read More about Performance of five different electrospray ionisation sources in conjunction with rapid monolithic column liquid chromatography and fast MS/MS scanning..