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All Outputs (12)

A novel implicit adaptive pole-placement PID controller (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Zayed, A., El-Fandi, M., Hussain, A., & El-Fllah, A. (2009, July). A novel implicit adaptive pole-placement PID controller. Presented at The 20th IASTED International Conference on Modelling and Simulation MS 2009, Banff, Alberta, Canada

In this paper, a new computationally efficient multivariable self-tuning controller with a proportional plus integral plus derivative (PID) is derived. The algorithm features a combination of the self-tuning property, in which the controller paramete... Read More about A novel implicit adaptive pole-placement PID controller.

An investigation into audiovisual speech correlation in reverberant noisy environments (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Cifani, S., Abel, A., Hussain, A., Squartini, S., & Piazza, F. (2008, October). An investigation into audiovisual speech correlation in reverberant noisy environments. Presented at COST Action 2102 International Conference, Prague, Czech Republic

As evidence of a link between the various human communication production domains has become more prominent in the last decade, the field of multimodal speech processing has undergone significant expansion. Many different specialised processing method... Read More about An investigation into audiovisual speech correlation in reverberant noisy environments.

Common sense computing: From the society of mind to digital intuition and beyond (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Cambria, E., Hussain, A., Havasi, C., & Eckl, C. (2009, September). Common sense computing: From the society of mind to digital intuition and beyond. Presented at BioID: European Workshop on Biometrics and Identity Management, Madrid, Spain

What is Common Sense Computing? And why is it so important for the technological evolution of humankind? This paper presents an overview of past, present and future efforts of the AI community to give computers the capacity for Common Sense reasoning... Read More about Common sense computing: From the society of mind to digital intuition and beyond.

Controlled and automatic processing in animals and machines with application to autonomous vehicle control (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Gurney, K., Hussain, A., Chambers, J., & Abdullah, R. (2009, September). Controlled and automatic processing in animals and machines with application to autonomous vehicle control. Presented at ICANN: International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Limassol, Cyprus

There are two modes of control recognised in the cognitive psychological literature. Controlled processing is slow, requires serial attention to sub-tasks, and requires effortful memory retrieval and decision making. In contrast automatic control is... Read More about Controlled and automatic processing in animals and machines with application to autonomous vehicle control.

Maximising audiovisual correlation with automatic lip tracking and vowel based segmentation (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Abel, A., Hussain, A., Nguyen, Q.-D., Ringeval, F., Chetouani, M., & Milgram, M. (2009, September). Maximising audiovisual correlation with automatic lip tracking and vowel based segmentation. Presented at BioID: European Workshop on Biometrics and Identity Management, Madrid, Spain

In recent years, the established link between the various human communication production domains has become more widely utilised in the field of speech processing. In this work, a state of the art Semi Adaptive Appearance Model (SAAM) approach develo... Read More about Maximising audiovisual correlation with automatic lip tracking and vowel based segmentation.

Multi-modal speech processing methods: an overview and future research directions using a MATLAB based audio-visual toolbox (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Abel, A., & Hussain, A. (2008, April). Multi-modal speech processing methods: an overview and future research directions using a MATLAB based audio-visual toolbox. Presented at COST Action 2102 and euCognition International School, Vietri sul Mare, Italy

This paper presents an overview of the main multi-modal speech enhancement methods reported to date. In particular, a new MATLAB based Toolbox developed by Barbosa et al (2007) for processing audio-visual data is reviewed and its performance potentia... Read More about Multi-modal speech processing methods: an overview and future research directions using a MATLAB based audio-visual toolbox.

Speech recognition system and formant based analysis of spoken Arabic vowels (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Alotaibi, Y., & Hussain, A. (2009, December). Speech recognition system and formant based analysis of spoken Arabic vowels. Presented at FGIT: International Conference on Future Generation Information Technology, Jeju Island, Korea

Arabic is one of the world’s oldest languages and is currently the second most spoken language in terms of number of speakers. However, it has not received much attention from the traditional speech processing research community. This study is specif... Read More about Speech recognition system and formant based analysis of spoken Arabic vowels.

Verification & validation of agent based simulations using the VOMAS (virtual overlay multi-agent system) approach (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Niazi, M. A., Hussain, A., & Kolberg, M. (2009, September). Verification & validation of agent based simulations using the VOMAS (virtual overlay multi-agent system) approach. Presented at Second Multi-Agent Logics, Languages, and Organisations Federated Workshops, Turin, Italy

Agent Based Models are very popular in a number of different areas. For example, they have been used in a range of domains ranging from modeling of tumor growth, immune systems, molecules to models of social networks, crowds and computer and mobile s... Read More about Verification & validation of agent based simulations using the VOMAS (virtual overlay multi-agent system) approach.

Special issue on non-linear and non-conventional speech processing (2009)
Journal Article
Chetouani, M., Faundez-Zanuy, M., Hussain, A., Gas, B., Zarader, J.-L., & Paliwal, K. (2009). Special issue on non-linear and non-conventional speech processing. Speech Communication, 51(9), 713-830

Special issue on non-linear and non-conventional speech processing.

A new hybrid agent-based modeling & simulation decision support system for breast cancer data analysis (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Siddiqa, A., Niazi, M., Mustafa, F., Bokhari, H., Hussain, A., Akram, N., Shaheen, S., Ahmed, F., & Iqbal, S. (2009, August). A new hybrid agent-based modeling & simulation decision support system for breast cancer data analysis. Presented at 2009 International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies, Karachi, Pakistan

In this paper, we present a novel technique of building hybrid decision support systems which integrates traditional decision support systems with agent based models for use in breast cancer analysis for better prediction and recommendation. Our syst... Read More about A new hybrid agent-based modeling & simulation decision support system for breast cancer data analysis.

Agent-based tools for modeling and simulation of self-organization in peer-to-peer, ad hoc, and other complex networks (2009)
Journal Article
Niazi, M., & Hussain, A. (2009). Agent-based tools for modeling and simulation of self-organization in peer-to-peer, ad hoc, and other complex networks. IEEE Communications Magazine, 47(3), 166-173.

Agent-based modeling and simulation tools provide a mature platform for development of complex simulations. They however, have not been applied much in the domain of mainstream modeling and simulation of computer networks. In this article, we evaluat... Read More about Agent-based tools for modeling and simulation of self-organization in peer-to-peer, ad hoc, and other complex networks.