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Outputs (5)

Guest editorial: Special issue introduction repurposing and repositioning events: real, responsible and revolutionary futures (2023)
Journal Article
Abreu Novais, M., Ali-Knight, J., Holmes, K., Lockstone-Binney, L., Robertson, M., & Stewart, H. (2023). Guest editorial: Special issue introduction repurposing and repositioning events: real, responsible and revolutionary futures. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 14(2), 137-140.

[Abstract unavailable.]

An Exploration of Tourists’ Perceptions of a Rural Mountain Bike Event (2018)
Journal Article
Newland, B. L., & Robertson, M. (2018). An Exploration of Tourists’ Perceptions of a Rural Mountain Bike Event. Journal of Applied Sport Management, 10(1), 13-22.

The natural attributes of rural locations are well suited to sport event tourism and can play a significant role in strategic tourism development in new markets. The purpose of the study was to explore consumer perceptions of sport event tourism in r... Read More about An Exploration of Tourists’ Perceptions of a Rural Mountain Bike Event.

Technology, society, and visioning the future of music festivals (2015)
Journal Article
Robertson, M., Yeoman, I., Smith, K. A., & McMahon-Beattie, U. (2015). Technology, society, and visioning the future of music festivals. Event Management, 19(4), 567-587.

Many music festivals fail because the experiences offered do not ensure relevance and meaning to the attendee. Engagement with new and virtual landscapes and with the enhanced sensory feelings and imaginations that technologies can offer may alleviat... Read More about Technology, society, and visioning the future of music festivals.

Festivals and events: Beyond economic impacts (2007)
Journal Article
Carlsen, J., Robertson, M., & Ali-Knight, J. (2007). Festivals and events: Beyond economic impacts. Event Management, 11(1-2), 1-2.

Festivals and events have assumed a prominent place in the social and economic fabric of Edinburgh, to a point where it now enjoys a reputation as a leading festival and event destination. In Edinburgh, as in other festival destinations, most of the... Read More about Festivals and events: Beyond economic impacts.