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Outputs (2)

InFutURe Wood Report 1: Design for deconstruction and reuse of timber structures – state of the art review (2020)
Cristescu, C., Honfi, D., Sandberg, K., Sandin, Y., Shotton, E., Walsh, S., Cramer, M., Ridley-Ellis, D., Risse, M., Ivanica, R., Ui Chulain, C., Harte, A., De Arana-Fernandez, M., Llana, D., Iniguez-Gonzalez, G., Garcia Barbero, M., Nasiri, B., Hughes, M., & Krofl, Z. (2020). InFutURe Wood Report 1: Design for deconstruction and reuse of timber structures – state of the art review. ForestValue

This report represents the first publication of the InFutURe Wood project - Innovative Design for the Future – Use and Reuse of Wood (Building) Components.
InFutUReWood is supported under the umbrella of ERA-NET and financed by funding agencies from... Read More about InFutURe Wood Report 1: Design for deconstruction and reuse of timber structures – state of the art review.

Some awkward questions about density (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ridley-Ellis, D., & Cramer, M. (2020, September). Some awkward questions about density. Presented at Timber 2020, Online

There are several different concepts of wood density, such as specific gravity, basic density, dry density, and oven dry density. These are often confusing, and sometimes poorly described in the literature, but they can be unambiguously defined and m... Read More about Some awkward questions about density.