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InFutURe Wood Report 1: Design for deconstruction and reuse of timber structures – state of the art review (2020)
Cristescu, C., Honfi, D., Sandberg, K., Sandin, Y., Shotton, E., Walsh, S., Cramer, M., Ridley-Ellis, D., Risse, M., Ivanica, R., Ui Chulain, C., Harte, A., De Arana-Fernandez, M., Llana, D., Iniguez-Gonzalez, G., Garcia Barbero, M., Nasiri, B., Hughes, M., & Krofl, Z. (2020). InFutURe Wood Report 1: Design for deconstruction and reuse of timber structures – state of the art review. ForestValue

This report represents the first publication of the InFutURe Wood project - Innovative Design for the Future – Use and Reuse of Wood (Building) Components.
InFutUReWood is supported under the umbrella of ERA-NET and financed by funding agencies from... Read More about InFutURe Wood Report 1: Design for deconstruction and reuse of timber structures – state of the art review.