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Outputs (7)

Patterns of exploitation: Trends and modus operandi in human trafficking in Finland, Latvia, Estonia, Poland and Ukraine (2023)
Pekkarinen, A.-G., & Jokinen, A. (2023). Patterns of exploitation: Trends and modus operandi in human trafficking in Finland, Latvia, Estonia, Poland and Ukraine. Helsinki: European Union’s Internal Security Fund – Police

This report is based on data on the modus operandi and routes of traffickers and other actors involved in trafficking, and on trends in trafficking. The data have been collected in the three partner countries, Estonia, Finland and Latvia, as well as... Read More about Patterns of exploitation: Trends and modus operandi in human trafficking in Finland, Latvia, Estonia, Poland and Ukraine.

“Are we criminals?” – everyday racialisation in temporary asylum accommodation (2023)
Journal Article
Guma, T., Blake, Y., Maclean, G., MacLeod, K., Makutsa, R., & Sharapov, K. (2024). “Are we criminals?” – everyday racialisation in temporary asylum accommodation. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 47(4), 742-762.

This paper critically examines the placement of people seeking asylum in temporary accommodation during the Covid-19 pandemic. It is based on a 14-month collaborative ethnography conducted between 2020 and 2022 with asylum seeking individuals in Glas... Read More about “Are we criminals?” – everyday racialisation in temporary asylum accommodation.

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on People with Disabilities in Ukraine: Household Perspectives, Public Health Implications, and Considerations for Emergency and Post-Conflict Recovery (2023)
Sharapov, K., Nazarenko, V., Polishchuk, O., & Burova, O. (2023). The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on People with Disabilities in Ukraine: Household Perspectives, Public Health Implications, and Considerations for Emergency and Post-Conflict Recovery. Edinburgh: Arts and Humanities Research Council

This report presents the outcomes of the project's final phase, which evaluated the impact of COVID-19 on people with disabilities in Ukraine. This phase relies on accounts from 20 households with persons with disabilities to understand how the pande... Read More about The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on People with Disabilities in Ukraine: Household Perspectives, Public Health Implications, and Considerations for Emergency and Post-Conflict Recovery.

Вплив пандемії COVID-19 на людей з інвалідністю в Україні: Погляди домогосподарств, та висновки для розгляду під час планування і вжиття заходів у надзвичайних ситуаціях в охороні здоров’я та інших сферах життєдіяльності, зокрема подолання конфліктів та їх наслідків. (2023)
Sharapov, K., Nazarenko, V., Polishchuk, O., & Burova, O. (2023). Вплив пандемії COVID-19 на людей з інвалідністю в Україні: Погляди домогосподарств, та висновки для розгляду під час планування і вжиття заходів у надзвичайних ситуаціях в охороні здоров’я та інших сферах життєдіяльності, зокрема подолання конфліктів та їх наслідків. Arts and Humanities Research Council

Цей звіт представляє результати заключного етапу проекту, який оцінює вплив COVID-19 на людей з інвалідністю в Україні. Цей етап базується на свідченнях з 20 домогосподарств з особами з інвалідністю, щоб зрозуміти, як пандемія та відповідь уряду впли... Read More about Вплив пандемії COVID-19 на людей з інвалідністю в Україні: Погляди домогосподарств, та висновки для розгляду під час планування і вжиття заходів у надзвичайних ситуаціях в охороні здоров’я та інших сферах життєдіяльності, зокрема подолання конфліктів та їх наслідків..

Human Trafficking Situation in Ukraine and Stakeholder Mapping 2023: A Report Produced for the European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control (HEUNI) (2023)
Hoff, S., Cherepakha, K., & Sharapov, K. (2023). Human Trafficking Situation in Ukraine and Stakeholder Mapping 2023: A Report Produced for the European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control (HEUNI). Amsterdam: European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control (HEUNI)

This report was commissioned within the context of the ELECT THB project, which aims to enhance the identification and investigation of trafficking in human beings (THB) for sexual and labour exploitation and increase collaboration between law enfor... Read More about Human Trafficking Situation in Ukraine and Stakeholder Mapping 2023: A Report Produced for the European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control (HEUNI).

Human Trafficking Situation in Poland and Stakeholder Mapping 2023: A Report Produced for the European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control (HEUNI) (2023)
Hoff, S., Dawid, I., & Sharapov, K. (2023). Human Trafficking Situation in Poland and Stakeholder Mapping 2023: A Report Produced for the European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control (HEUNI). Amsterdam: European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control (HEUNI)

This report was commissioned within the context of the ELECT THB project, which aims to enhance the identification and investigation of trafficking in human beings (THB) for sexual and labour exploitation and increase collaboration between law enforc... Read More about Human Trafficking Situation in Poland and Stakeholder Mapping 2023: A Report Produced for the European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control (HEUNI).