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‘They gave me an opportunity, and I took it’: motivations and concerns of adult apprentices (2023)
Journal Article
Smith, S., Fabian, K., Taylor-Smith, E., Barr, M., Berg, T., Bratton, A., Kolberg, M., Paterson, J., & Zarb, M. (online). ‘They gave me an opportunity, and I took it’: motivations and concerns of adult apprentices. Journal of Vocational Education and Training,

In the UK context of an ageing population, degree apprenticeships represent a new opportunity to study for a degree while working. Apprentices are full-time employees granted time to study for a degree with a significant workplace learning component.... Read More about ‘They gave me an opportunity, and I took it’: motivations and concerns of adult apprentices.

Apprentices’ perspectives of the tripartite collaboration at the heart of degree apprenticeships: a longitudinal study (2023)
Journal Article
Taylor-Smith, E., Smith, S., Fabian, K., & Bratton, A. (2023). Apprentices’ perspectives of the tripartite collaboration at the heart of degree apprenticeships: a longitudinal study. Journal of Workplace Learning, 35(8), 779-795.

Purpose: The partnership which underpins degree apprenticeships is a tripartite collaboration between apprentices, employers, and universities. This study investigated the lived experiences and reflections of the apprentices at the centre, to inform... Read More about Apprentices’ perspectives of the tripartite collaboration at the heart of degree apprenticeships: a longitudinal study.

The practice of apprenticeships as work-integrated learning (2023)
Book Chapter
Smith, S., Taylor-Smith, E., Fabian, K., & Klotz, D. (2023). The practice of apprenticeships as work-integrated learning. In K. E. Zegwaard, & T. J. Pretti (Eds.), In The Routledge International Handbook of Work-Integrated Learning (207-217). (3rd Edition). Routledge.

The term ‘apprentice’ is used to describe an employee who is learning in order to fulfill a future job role, with this learning largely encompassing on-the-job training and learning by doing (Fuller & Unwin, 1998). Conventionally, apprenticeships wer... Read More about The practice of apprenticeships as work-integrated learning.