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Outputs (7)

Sound Dramaturgy for Poetic Documentaries (2023)
Journal Article
Stutterheim, K. (2023). Sound Dramaturgy for Poetic Documentaries. International Journal of Film and Media Arts, 8(3), 59-73.

Sound dramaturgy as part of the aesthetic design of documentary films is invisible but most relevant, although often overlooked. The chapter gives a short introduction to dramaturgy and the importance of sound dramaturgy as most impactful for documen... Read More about Sound Dramaturgy for Poetic Documentaries.

Visual Dramaturgy – from Caligari to Shutter Island (2023)
Book Chapter
Stutterheim, K. (in press). Visual Dramaturgy – from Caligari to Shutter Island. In Bloomsbury Handbook of Global Screenplay Theory. Bloomsbury Publishing

Visual dramaturgy has been an important aspect of storytelling since the beginning of cinema. David Bordwell, describing cinema as ‘providing successive pictorial displays’ (Bordwell 2006: 11) directs our focus onto the relevance of the visual level... Read More about Visual Dramaturgy – from Caligari to Shutter Island.

Film Dramaturgy: A Practice and a Tool for Researchers (2023)
Book Chapter
Stutterheim, K. (2023). Film Dramaturgy: A Practice and a Tool for Researchers. In R. Davies, P. Russo, & C. Tieber (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Screenwriting Studies (689-708). Palgrave Macmillan.

This chapter gives an overview of dramaturgy as practice and discipline. Dramaturgy has its origins in Antiquity and established itself as a theoretical and analytical approach to understand and support narrative-performative arts in the eighteenth c... Read More about Film Dramaturgy: A Practice and a Tool for Researchers.

Sound Dramaturgy (2023)
Book Chapter
Stutterheim, K. (in press). Sound Dramaturgy. In Teaching Sound for the 21st Century. CILECT

Sound dramaturgy as part of the aesthetic design of either a film or a Virtual Reality (VR) experience is invisible, but most relevant, although often overlooked. As a sound person and academic, I have long been interested in the dramaturgical releva... Read More about Sound Dramaturgy.

SPARTACUS’ Aftermath / Influences (2023)
Book Chapter
Stutterheim, K. SPARTACUS’ Aftermath / Influences. In Kubrick encounters Spartacus. (Kubrick Studies). Liverpool University Press

A short reflection on the impact of the movie onto Kubricks carreer but moreover how it got referred to by later productions - movies, TV productions, and games alike.

The Epic Spartacus (2023)
Book Chapter
Stutterheim, K. The Epic Spartacus. In Kubrick Encounters Spartacus. Liverpool University Press

Epic stories portray influential characters acting under extraordinary circumstances. As we can see it happens to Spartacus in this movie, the main character is forced to act in a way they never would have imagined a moment before the incident starts... Read More about The Epic Spartacus.