Ontological Authority of Sustainability in Buddhist and Hindu traditions: The art of Planetary Maintenance
Book Chapter
Khaleel, F., & Shoba, K. (2021). Ontological Authority of Sustainability in Buddhist and Hindu traditions: The art of Planetary Maintenance. In U. Burki, T. Azid, & R. F. Dahlstrom (Eds.), Foundations of Sustainable Economy: Moral, Ethical and Religious Perspectives (96-104). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003010579
The global view of Hinduism is complex and dynamic. The Hindusim narratives broadly revolve around the themes of the earth and people. Prosperity and profit are attached to people and the world. Theoretically, Lakshmi is a goddess and worshipped by t... Read More about Ontological Authority of Sustainability in Buddhist and Hindu traditions: The art of Planetary Maintenance.