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Outputs (6)

Grading of British Timber (2018)
Journal Article
Ridley-Ellis, D. (2018). Grading of British Timber. The Full Circle: The Journal of the Association of Scottish Hardwood Sawmillers, 34-36

A summary of grading of home grown timber for the magazine of the Association of Scottish Hardwood Sawmillers (ASHS).

Some thresholds for grading British grown spruce to optimised strength classes using longitudinal resonance (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ridley-Ellis, D., Adams, S., & Lehneke, S. (2018, August). Some thresholds for grading British grown spruce to optimised strength classes using longitudinal resonance. Presented at World Conference on Timber Engineering, Seoul, Republic of Korea

The main commercial species in the UK and Ireland is Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis), which is graded in combination with a small amount of Norway spruce (P. abies). It is typically graded to the European strength class C16, but actually has superior... Read More about Some thresholds for grading British grown spruce to optimised strength classes using longitudinal resonance.

Strength grading of timber in the UK in 2018 (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ridley-Ellis, D. (2018, June). Strength grading of timber in the UK in 2018. Paper presented at Timber 2018, London

This paper summarises the state-of-the-art of strength grading of UK-grown timber. It lists the following information along with the primary references: visual grading grades and strength class assignments; grading machines with approved settings for... Read More about Strength grading of timber in the UK in 2018.

Impulse excitation measurement of small changes in elastic moduli and damping using R (2018)
Journal Article
Ridley-Ellis, D., Libeau, M., & Mignerat, D. (2018). Impulse excitation measurement of small changes in elastic moduli and damping using R. International Wood Products Journal, 1-6.

Impulse excitation is commonly used to assess wood stiffness in both scientific and industrial settings. Modes of vibration are excited by a mechanical impulse and their resonant frequencies measured to calculate elastic moduli. It is also possible t... Read More about Impulse excitation measurement of small changes in elastic moduli and damping using R.

Equipping ourselves for future forests and timber. (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ridley-Ellis, D. (2018, May). Equipping ourselves for future forests and timber. Presented at Institute of Chartered Foresters National Conference

Presentation to the Institute of Chartered Foresters National Conference, "Innovation for change - New drivers for tomorrow’s forestry" Edinburgh 2-3 May 2013

TG1/201804/25rev Derivation of MTG grading machine settings for Douglas fir (IE & GB, C classes) (2018)
Ridley-Ellis, D., & Gil-Moreno, D. (2018). TG1/201804/25rev Derivation of MTG grading machine settings for Douglas fir (IE & GB, C classes). Ljubljana: WoodProps for Ireland project

Grading machines
MTG 960
mtgBATCH 962 mtgBATCH 966
MTG 920
mtgBATCH 922
mtgBATCH 926

Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii)

Permitted timber sizes
Thickness: 33 mm to 84 mm
Width: 68 mm to 248 mm

C24/C16, C24/14... Read More about TG1/201804/25rev Derivation of MTG grading machine settings for Douglas fir (IE & GB, C classes).