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Luminescent solar concentrators: From experimental validation of 3D ray-tracing simulations to coloured stained-glass windows for BIPV (2013)
Journal Article
Kerrouche, A., Hardy, D. A., Ross, D., & Richards, B. S. (2014). Luminescent solar concentrators: From experimental validation of 3D ray-tracing simulations to coloured stained-glass windows for BIPV. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 122, 99-106.

Luminescent solar concentrators (LSC) are a promising technology for building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) given the wide variety of forms and colours that can be realised. Given the flexibility of the technology, the use of ray-trace modelling is... Read More about Luminescent solar concentrators: From experimental validation of 3D ray-tracing simulations to coloured stained-glass windows for BIPV.