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Empowering Organisations To Embrace UN Sustainable Development Goals: Post-Covid-19 Scotland (2023)
Book Chapter
Fonseca, A., Crossan, K., Weaver, M., Tan, H., Bratton, A., & Pershina, E. (2023). Empowering Organisations To Embrace UN Sustainable Development Goals: Post-Covid-19 Scotland. In W. Leal Filho, M. A. Pimenta Dinis, S. Moggi, E. Price, & A. Hope (Eds.), SDGs in the European Region. Springer.

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) argues that the global coronavirus pandemic has caused unimaginable consequences to the global community's economy, social structure, and ecosystem. Overcoming this situation is only possible when envir... Read More about Empowering Organisations To Embrace UN Sustainable Development Goals: Post-Covid-19 Scotland.

How cross-service collaboration between ambulance, fire, and policing services can improve community safety and wellbeing: A systematic review and case study of an area experiencing significant disadvantage (2023)
Dougall, N., Heyman, I., Tatnell, A., Wooff, A., & MacGillivray, S. (2023). How cross-service collaboration between ambulance, fire, and policing services can improve community safety and wellbeing: A systematic review and case study of an area experiencing significant disadvantage. SIPR

Climate change aggravating migration and health issues in the African context: The views and direct experiences of a community of interest in the field (2023)
Journal Article
Trummer, U., Ali, T., Mosca, D., Mukuruva, B., Mwenyango, H., & Novak-Zezula, S. (2023). Climate change aggravating migration and health issues in the African context: The views and direct experiences of a community of interest in the field. Journal of Migration and Health, 7, Article 100151.

Climate change is an increasingly important theme in Africa, where a large majority of its people depend on livestock and agricultural activities for livelihood. Concurrently, the topic of health of migrants and people on the move is rapidly raising... Read More about Climate change aggravating migration and health issues in the African context: The views and direct experiences of a community of interest in the field.

What do spontaneous coronary artery dissection survivors want to support their recovery? A qualitative study (2023)
Journal Article
Binnie, K., Neubeck, L., McHale, S., & Hanson, C. L. (2023). What do spontaneous coronary artery dissection survivors want to support their recovery? A qualitative study. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 22(8), 814–823.

Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection (SCAD) is increasingly recognised as an important cause of myocardial infarction predominantly affecting women aged under 50 years. There is limited research addressing female and male SCAD survivors’ ex... Read More about What do spontaneous coronary artery dissection survivors want to support their recovery? A qualitative study.

The future directions and trends for off road e-bike use and impact in Great Britain (2023)
Ingram-Sills, L., Campbell, T., Kirkwood, L., & Florida-James, G. (2023). The future directions and trends for off road e-bike use and impact in Great Britain. British Cycling

The introduction of e-bikes into the cycling industry has resulted in a growing market, with sales demonstrating an increase exponentially over the last five years. Globally it is predicted that e-bikes will reach and potentially surpass 130 million... Read More about The future directions and trends for off road e-bike use and impact in Great Britain.

Transcriptomics for Clinical and Experimental Biology Research: Hang on a Seq (2023)
Journal Article
Stokes, T., Cen, H. H., Kapranov, P., Gallagher, I. J., Pitsillides, A. A., Volmar, C., Kraus, W. E., Johnson, J. D., Phillips, S. M., Wahlestedt, C., & Timmons, J. A. (2023). Transcriptomics for Clinical and Experimental Biology Research: Hang on a Seq. Advanced Genetics, 4(2), Article 2200024.

Sequencing the human genome empowers translational medicine, facilitating transcriptome-wide molecular diagnosis, pathway biology, and drug repositioning. Initially, microarrays are used to study the bulk transcriptome; but now short-read RNA sequenc... Read More about Transcriptomics for Clinical and Experimental Biology Research: Hang on a Seq.

Research Report for COVID-19 Public Inquiry (2022)
McKay, C., McKay, E., Stavert, J., Murray, J., Johnston, L., & Macdonald, A. (2022). Research Report for COVID-19 Public Inquiry. Scottish Covid-19 Inquiry

This report was commissioned by the Scottish Covid-19 Inquiry as introductory scoping research.

Sharing data to better understand one of the world’s most significant shared experiences: Data Resource Profile of the longitudinal COVID-19 Psychological Research Consortium (C19PRC) Study (2022)
Journal Article
McBride, O., Butter, S., Hartman, T. K., Murphy, J., Hyland, P., Shevlin, M., Gibson-Miller, J., Levita, L., Mason, L., Martinez, A. P., McKay, R., Lloyd, A., Stocks, T. V., Bennett, K. M., Vallières, F., Karatzias, T., Valiente, C., Vazquez, C., Contreras, A., Bertamini, M., …Bentall, R. P. (2022). Sharing data to better understand one of the world’s most significant shared experiences: Data Resource Profile of the longitudinal COVID-19 Psychological Research Consortium (C19PRC) Study. International Journal of Population Data Science, 5(4),

This paper serves to alert IJPDS readers to the availability of a major new longitudinal survey data resource, the COVID-19 Psychological Research Consortium (C19PRC) Study, which is being released for secondary use via the Open Science Framework. Th... Read More about Sharing data to better understand one of the world’s most significant shared experiences: Data Resource Profile of the longitudinal COVID-19 Psychological Research Consortium (C19PRC) Study.

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people with disabilities in Ukraine: Perspectives of the organisations of persons with disabilities (2022)
Journal Article
Sharapov, K., Anderson, D., Burova, O., Nazarenko, V., & Polishchuk, O. (2022). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people with disabilities in Ukraine: Perspectives of the organisations of persons with disabilities. Sociology: Theory, Methods, Marketing, 2022(2), 177-186.

Згідно з даними Національної соціальної служби та Пенсійного фонду, в Україні станом на початок 2021 року було зареєстровано щонайменше 2 724 100 осіб з інвалідністю. Утім, фактичні цифри можуть бути вищими через брак достовірної докладної статистики... Read More about The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people with disabilities in Ukraine: Perspectives of the organisations of persons with disabilities.

Parents’ narratives toward smoking in the home following a second-hand smoke story-telling education intervention (2022)
Journal Article
MacNicol, Y., Lusher, J., Banbury, S., & Roberts, N. (2022). Parents’ narratives toward smoking in the home following a second-hand smoke story-telling education intervention. MOJ Addiction Medicine & Therapy, 7(1), 7-13.

There is a strong link between cigarette smoking and socio-economic status, with three-quarters of children living in disadvantaged communities being exposed to second-hand smoke. The present study examined parents’ views of smoking in the home after... Read More about Parents’ narratives toward smoking in the home following a second-hand smoke story-telling education intervention.

Policing of Drugs in Scotland: Moving beyond the stalemate to redesigning the chess board (2022)
Book Chapter
Fotopoulou, M., & Aston, E. (2022). Policing of Drugs in Scotland: Moving beyond the stalemate to redesigning the chess board. In M. Bacon, & J. Spicer (Eds.), Drug law enforcement, policing and harm reduction: Ending the stalemate. Routledge

This chapter aims to illuminate aspects of the risk environment within which drugs are consumed and policed in Scotland. Firstly, we focus on the macro-level policy context and legislation that governs the way policing of drugs is carried out in Scot... Read More about Policing of Drugs in Scotland: Moving beyond the stalemate to redesigning the chess board.

Exploring Talent Identification in Australian Rules Football: The Nuances of the Athlete Recruitment Process (2022)
Journal Article
Larkin, P., Bonney, N., Dugdale, J. H., Kittel, A., & Reeves, M. J. (2022). Exploring Talent Identification in Australian Rules Football: The Nuances of the Athlete Recruitment Process. Journal of Expertise, 5(4), 169-183

The process of talent identification and recruitment is a key element of the elite athlete talent pathway. As such, it is important to understand the information and specific processes used by expert recruiters to inform talent identification decisio... Read More about Exploring Talent Identification in Australian Rules Football: The Nuances of the Athlete Recruitment Process.

Dose-response effects of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor monotherapy for the treatment of depression: systematic review of reviews and meta-narrative synthesis (2022)
Journal Article
Johnson, C., Maxwell, M., Williams, B., Dougall, N., & MacGillivray, S. (2022). Dose-response effects of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor monotherapy for the treatment of depression: systematic review of reviews and meta-narrative synthesis. BMJ Medicine, 1(1), Article e000017.

Objective: To assess and clarify the relations between selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) dose efficacy, acceptability (early treatment discontinuation (dropouts)), and tolerability (reported adverse drug effects), and critically evaluate... Read More about Dose-response effects of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor monotherapy for the treatment of depression: systematic review of reviews and meta-narrative synthesis.

Results from a test of change project using the MyCOPD app with pulmonary rehabilitation patients (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Roberts, N. J., McNarry, S., Payne, E., & Choudhury, G. Results from a test of change project using the MyCOPD app with pulmonary rehabilitation patients. Presented at 2022 European Respiratory Congresss, Barcelona

Pulmonary Rehabilitation (PR) is a crucial component of COPD management, access to programmes can be difficult, reduced attendance, high dropouts and low completion rates are common. MyCOPD is an example of how digital technology could potentially be... Read More about Results from a test of change project using the MyCOPD app with pulmonary rehabilitation patients.

How confident are nursing students about their respiratory knowledge and assessment skills? (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Roberts, N. J., Renwick, M., Welch, L., Lippiet, . K., & Kelly, C. How confident are nursing students about their respiratory knowledge and assessment skills?. Presented at 2022 European Respiratory Congress, Barcelona

Respiratory knowledge and skills are fundamental to effective patient care. Our recent study showed significant variation in the provision of respiratory education in UK pre-registration nursing programmes. This study explored confidence levels of fi... Read More about How confident are nursing students about their respiratory knowledge and assessment skills?.

Steps in the development of an international curriculum for respiratory nurses (ICRN): A Delphi Process plan to standardise levels of respiratory nursing education (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sajnic, A., Narsavage, G., Kelly, C., Heslop-Marshall, K., Padilha, J., Murray, B., Axelsson, M., Hernández, C., Poot, B., Roberts, N. J., Christensen, H., Clari, M., & Smith, S. Steps in the development of an international curriculum for respiratory nurses (ICRN): A Delphi Process plan to standardise levels of respiratory nursing education. Presented at 2022 European Respiratory Congress, Barcelona

Introduction: The sizable population of people with respiratory conditions places a significant demand on healthcare services and a need for specialized nursing care.

Aim: The ERS Nursing Group recognized the need for harmonized curricula for resp... Read More about Steps in the development of an international curriculum for respiratory nurses (ICRN): A Delphi Process plan to standardise levels of respiratory nursing education.

How to evaluate the Scottish shortened midwifery programme – an exploration of stakeholders’ perceptions (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Crozier, S., Kuipers, Y., McLuckie, C., & Norris, G. (2022, November). How to evaluate the Scottish shortened midwifery programme – an exploration of stakeholders’ perceptions. Paper presented at Scotland Maternity and Midwifery Festival, Edinburgh

The presentation will outline the development of a new shortened midwifery programme in Scotland, the stakeholder-led participatory approach to evaluation and the emerging themes of interest for the management and leadership of midwifery education an... Read More about How to evaluate the Scottish shortened midwifery programme – an exploration of stakeholders’ perceptions.

The effect of a game-based mobile app “MyHeartMate” to promote lifestyle change in coronary disease patients: a randomised controlled trial (2022)
Journal Article
Gallagher, R., Chow, C. K., Parker, H., Neubeck, L., Celermajer, D., Redfern, J., Tofler, G., Buckley, T., Schumacher, T., Hyun, K., Bouramond, F., & Figtree, G. (2023). The effect of a game-based mobile app “MyHeartMate” to promote lifestyle change in coronary disease patients: a randomised controlled trial. European Heart Journal – Digital Health, 4(1), 33-42.

Secondary prevention reduces coronary heart disease (CHD) progression. Traditional prevention programs including cardiac rehabilitation are under-accessed, which smartphone apps may overcome. To evaluate the effect of a game-based mobile app in... Read More about The effect of a game-based mobile app “MyHeartMate” to promote lifestyle change in coronary disease patients: a randomised controlled trial.

Epidemiology of q-fever in domestic ruminants and humans in Africa: A systematic review (2022)
Journal Article
Festo Bwatota, S., Cook, E. A. J., Mark de Clare Bronsvoort, B., Wheelhouse, N., Hernandez-Castor, L. E., & Mkilema Shirima, G. (2022). Epidemiology of q-fever in domestic ruminants and humans in Africa: A systematic review. CABI One Health,

Q-fever is a zoonotic infectious disease caused by the gram-negative, intracellular, spore-forming bacterium Coxiella burnetii. Infected ruminants (cattle, sheep, and goats) are the reservoirs of the pathogen and thus an important source of infection... Read More about Epidemiology of q-fever in domestic ruminants and humans in Africa: A systematic review.