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Vulnerability and Resilience of Refugee Women and Children (2022)
Book Chapter
Mwenyango, H., & Palatttiyil, G. (2022). Vulnerability and Resilience of Refugee Women and Children. In N. Tan, & P. Shajahan (Eds.), Remaking Social Work for the New Global Era (59-76). Springer.

Although migration is often perceived as an immediate response to humanitarian crises, people affected by forced displacement face significant risks and vulnerability. Drawing on mixed-methods research findings from Uganda’s Nakivale Refugee Settleme... Read More about Vulnerability and Resilience of Refugee Women and Children.

Вплив COVID-19 на людей з інвалідністю в Україні: Перспективи людей з інвалідністю і що це означає в контексті інших надзвичайних ситуацій, включаючи кофлікт та пост-конфліктну реконструкцію (2022)
Sharapov, K., Anderson, D., Nazarenko, V., Polishchuk, O., & Burova, O. (2022). Вплив COVID-19 на людей з інвалідністю в Україні: Перспективи людей з інвалідністю і що це означає в контексті інших надзвичайних ситуацій, включаючи кофлікт та пост-конфліктну реконструкцію. Edinburgh: AHRC

Gender and placemaking: talking to women about clean air and sustainable urban environments in changing cities (2022)
Journal Article
Loroño-Leturiondo, M., & Illingworth, S. (2023). Gender and placemaking: talking to women about clean air and sustainable urban environments in changing cities. Journal of Place Management and Development, 16(1), 91-104.

This purpose of this study is to explore the voices of women in conceptualizing a city with clean air, and how this relates to urban structural changes being made more environmentally and socially sustainable.

Design/methodology/approach... Read More about Gender and placemaking: talking to women about clean air and sustainable urban environments in changing cities.

Childhood adversity, mental health and suicide (CHASE): a longitudinal case-control linked data study of lifetime inpatient records associated with suicide (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Savinc, J., Dougall, N., Maxwell, M., Karatzias, T., O'Connor, R., Williams, B., John, A., Cheyne, H., Fyvie, C., Bisson, J., Hibberd, C., Abbott-Smith, S., & Nolan, L. Childhood adversity, mental health and suicide (CHASE): a longitudinal case-control linked data study of lifetime inpatient records associated with suicide. Presented at International Population Data Linkage Conference 2022

Childhood adversity (CA) carries an increased risk of developing later mental health (MH) problems and suicidal behaviour. This study aimed to summarise lifetime hospital attendances for CA and MH in young people who later died by suicide... Read More about Childhood adversity, mental health and suicide (CHASE): a longitudinal case-control linked data study of lifetime inpatient records associated with suicide.

Cochrane EPOC Protocol: Providing medication adherence feedback to healthcare providers. The effect on care and outcomes. Protocol for a Cochrane review update (2022)
Hassett, R., Sabatier, B., Savoldelli, V., Mair, A., Hanley, J., Dima, A., & Paterson, R. (2022). Cochrane EPOC Protocol: Providing medication adherence feedback to healthcare providers. The effect on care and outcomes. Protocol for a Cochrane review update

This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (update).

Key barriers to effectively supporting adherence include poor awareness amongst healthcare professionals (HCPs), scarce clinical tools and interventions, and suboptimal patient-provide... Read More about Cochrane EPOC Protocol: Providing medication adherence feedback to healthcare providers. The effect on care and outcomes. Protocol for a Cochrane review update.

A process evaluation of 'We Can Quit': a community-based smoking cessation intervention targeting women from areas of socio-disadvantage in Ireland (2022)
Journal Article
Darker, C. D., Burke, E., Castello, S., O'Sullivan, K., O'Connell, N., Vance, J., Reynolds, C., Buggy, A., Dougall, N., Loudon, K., Williams, P., Dobbie, F., Bauld, L., & Hayes, C. B. (2022). A process evaluation of 'We Can Quit': a community-based smoking cessation intervention targeting women from areas of socio-disadvantage in Ireland. BMC Public Health, 22(1), Article 1528.

Background: Smoking poses a serious risk of early preventable death and disease especially for women living with socio-economic disadvantage (SED). A smoking cessation programme, ‘We Can Quit’, was developed in Ireland tailored to SED women. This inc... Read More about A process evaluation of 'We Can Quit': a community-based smoking cessation intervention targeting women from areas of socio-disadvantage in Ireland.

The validation of the brief COPE in a Belgian perinatal population (2022)
Journal Article
van Gils, Y., Bleijenbergh, R., Brosens, C., Van den Branden, L., Rimaux, S., & Kuipers, Y. J. (2022). The validation of the brief COPE in a Belgian perinatal population. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 26, 2050-2059.

Introduction: The Brief Coping Orientation to Problems Experienced (Brief-COPE) measures individuals’ coping strategies. There is limited evidence on the psychometric properties of this measure in a perinatal population. The aim of this study is to... Read More about The validation of the brief COPE in a Belgian perinatal population.

Using photovoice to understand and improve healthy lifestyles of people diagnosed with serious mental illness (2022)
Journal Article
Edmondson, A. J., Borthwick, R., Hughes, E., & Lucock, M. (2022). Using photovoice to understand and improve healthy lifestyles of people diagnosed with serious mental illness. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 29(5), 676-687.

Introduction: People diagnosed with serious mental illness (SMI) live 10-20 years less than the general population, due in part to co-existing physical illness linked to lifestyle factors. To inform individualised care plans to promote healthy lifest... Read More about Using photovoice to understand and improve healthy lifestyles of people diagnosed with serious mental illness.

Academic, clinical and personal experiences of undergraduate healthcare students during the COVID-19 pandemic: A prospective cohort study (2022)
Journal Article
McFadden, S., Guille, S., Daly-Lynn, J., O’Neill, B., Marley, J., Hanratty, C., Shepherd, P., Ramsey, L., Breen, C., Duffy, O., Jones, A., Kerr, D., & Hughes, C. (2022). Academic, clinical and personal experiences of undergraduate healthcare students during the COVID-19 pandemic: A prospective cohort study. PLOS ONE, 17(7), Article e0271873.

Coronavirus disease 2019 has impacted upon the role and safety of healthcare workers, with the potential to have a lasting effect on their wellbeing. Limited research has been conducted during previous pandemics exploring how student heal... Read More about Academic, clinical and personal experiences of undergraduate healthcare students during the COVID-19 pandemic: A prospective cohort study.

Premenstrual Exacerbation of Mental Health Disorders: A Systematic Review of Prospective Studies (2022)
Journal Article
Hughes, L., & Nolan, L. (2022). Premenstrual Exacerbation of Mental Health Disorders: A Systematic Review of Prospective Studies. Archives of Women's Mental Health, 25, 831-852.

Purpose: Mental health disorders can be exacerbated during periods of hormonal fluctuation (e.g., pregnancy, menopause) and the risk factors for sensitivity to these fluctuations are similar to those of mental disorders (e.g., trauma). However, the e... Read More about Premenstrual Exacerbation of Mental Health Disorders: A Systematic Review of Prospective Studies.

The Impact of COVID-19 on the Justice Voluntary Sector (2022)
Skelton, F., & Haddow, C. (2022). The Impact of COVID-19 on the Justice Voluntary Sector. Criminal Justice Voluntary Sector Forum

Executive summary
This report presents findings from two research projects exploring the impact of the COVID-19
pandemic on third sector justice organisations and workers in Scotland. This work has been funded
by the Criminal Justice Voluntary S... Read More about The Impact of COVID-19 on the Justice Voluntary Sector.

Developing a woman‐centered, inclusive definition of positive childbirth experiences: A discussion paper (2022)
Journal Article
Leinweber, J., Fontein‐Kuipers, Y., Karlsdottir, S. I., Ekström‐Bergström, A., Nilsson, C., Stramrood, C., & Thomson, G. (2023). Developing a woman‐centered, inclusive definition of positive childbirth experiences: A discussion paper. Birth, 50(2), 362-383.

Introduction: A positive childbirth experience promotes women’s health, both during and beyond the perinatal period. Understanding what constitutes a positive childbirth experience is thus critical to providing high-quality maternity care. Currently... Read More about Developing a woman‐centered, inclusive definition of positive childbirth experiences: A discussion paper.

The new feeling rules of emotion work in heterosexual couple relationships (2022)
Journal Article
McQueen, F. (2023). The new feeling rules of emotion work in heterosexual couple relationships. Emotions and Society, 5(1), 85-99.

This article suggests that new feeling rules of intimacy within heterosexual couple relationships are widely recognised and reflect the contention that an androgynisation of the value of emotion is taking place (Illouz, 2008) whereby men are expected... Read More about The new feeling rules of emotion work in heterosexual couple relationships.

Feasible approaches and implementation challenges to atrial fibrillation screening: a qualitative study of stakeholder views in 11 European countries (2022)
Journal Article
Engler, D., Hanson, C., Desteghe, L., Boriani, G., Diederichsen, S. Z., Freedman, B., Pala, E., Potpara, T. S., Witt, H., Heidbuchel, H., Neubeck, L., & Schnabel, R. (2022). Feasible approaches and implementation challenges to atrial fibrillation screening: a qualitative study of stakeholder views in 11 European countries. BMJ Open, 12(6), Article e059156.

Objectives: Atrial fibrillation (AF) screening may increase early detection and reduce complications of AF. European, Australian and World Heart Federation guidelines recommend opportunistic screening, despite a current lack of clear evidence support... Read More about Feasible approaches and implementation challenges to atrial fibrillation screening: a qualitative study of stakeholder views in 11 European countries.

Measuring positive memories of home and family during childhood: The development and initial validation of the ‘Memories of Home and Family Scale’ (2022)
Journal Article
Shevlin, M., Redican, E., McElroy, E., Ben-Ezra, M., Karatzias, T., & Hyland, P. (2023). Measuring positive memories of home and family during childhood: The development and initial validation of the ‘Memories of Home and Family Scale’. Current Psychology, 42(26), 22255-22264.

There is a burgeoning evidence base highlighting the positive influence of benevolent childhood experiences (BCEs), even in the context of adversity. However, few measures are available to assess BCEs. The current study sought to develop and validate... Read More about Measuring positive memories of home and family during childhood: The development and initial validation of the ‘Memories of Home and Family Scale’.