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Outputs (9)

The Acculturation Experiences of Elite Rugby Union Coaches (2021)
Journal Article
Hall, A., English, C., Jones, L., Westbury, T., & Martindale, R. (2022). The Acculturation Experiences of Elite Rugby Union Coaches. International Sport Coaching Journal / ISCJ, 9(1), 30-39.

Currently, little is known about how elite coaches acculturate and how they manage their acculturation environment. This study
examines the acculturation experiences of elite rugby union coaches and their management of multicultural squads. Five mal... Read More about The Acculturation Experiences of Elite Rugby Union Coaches.

Challenges of Self-Presentation and Athlete Branding Among Saudi Female Exercisers: An Auto-ethnography of a Muslim Saudi Personal Trainer Instagram User (2021)
Journal Article
Basabain, W., Macleod, K., Westbury, T., & Qutub, A. (2021). Challenges of Self-Presentation and Athlete Branding Among Saudi Female Exercisers: An Auto-ethnography of a Muslim Saudi Personal Trainer Instagram User. Asian Social Science, 17(3), 9-30.

Some athletes have attracted millions of audiences, even if being namely recognised. Cristiano Ronaldo, Neymar JR., and David Beckham have the most Instagram followers on a global scale. Online Social Networks (OSN) allows users to establish their pr... Read More about Challenges of Self-Presentation and Athlete Branding Among Saudi Female Exercisers: An Auto-ethnography of a Muslim Saudi Personal Trainer Instagram User.

"Nobody will put Baby in the Corner!" A Qualitative Evaluation of a Physical Activity Intervention to Improve Mental Health (2020)
Journal Article
Snowden, A., Westbury, T., & Peddie, N. (2020). "Nobody will put Baby in the Corner!" A Qualitative Evaluation of a Physical Activity Intervention to Improve Mental Health. Health and Social Care in the Community, 28(6), 2060-2075.

Physical activity is beneficial for mental health, but people with mental health issues are less likely to be physically active than the general population. Socially prescribed programmes of activity are rarely adhered to, with high levels of drop ou... Read More about "Nobody will put Baby in the Corner!" A Qualitative Evaluation of a Physical Activity Intervention to Improve Mental Health.

Unsuccessful Transitions: Understanding Dropout from the Athlete's Perspective (2019)
Journal Article
Andronikos, G., Westbury, T., & Martindale, R. J. (2019). Unsuccessful Transitions: Understanding Dropout from the Athlete's Perspective. Athens Journal of Sports, 6(4), 195-214.

Limited studies have investigated the experiences of athletes who did not "make it" to elite level. To target this research gap, this study accessed and investigated this hard to reach population in order to understand the development and transition... Read More about Unsuccessful Transitions: Understanding Dropout from the Athlete's Perspective.

The effectiveness of cognitive-behavioural interventions at increasing adherence to physical activity in mental health populations: a systematic review (2019)
Journal Article
Snowden, A., Peddie, N., & Westbury, T. (2021). The effectiveness of cognitive-behavioural interventions at increasing adherence to physical activity in mental health populations: a systematic review. Advances in Mental Health, 19(1), 94-112.

Objective: There is growing global evidence for stark inequalities in the physical health status and life-expectancy of people with a mental health diagnosis. In most cases, physical activity (PA) is one of the most effective methods of maintaining p... Read More about The effectiveness of cognitive-behavioural interventions at increasing adherence to physical activity in mental health populations: a systematic review.

Anticipation and the cortisol awakening response within a dynamic psychosocial work environment (2018)
Journal Article
Campbell, T. G., Westbury, T., Davison, R., & Florida-James, G. (2018). Anticipation and the cortisol awakening response within a dynamic psychosocial work environment. International Journal of Stress Prevention and Wellbeing, 2, Article 2

The cortisol awakening response (CAR) is a distinct element of the diurnal pattern of cortisol release, believed to be partly driven by the anticipation of the demands of the upcoming day. Although evidence suggests that the response may be associate... Read More about Anticipation and the cortisol awakening response within a dynamic psychosocial work environment.

An exploratory study of the relationship between psychosocial hazard and ambulatory physiological response in higher education employees (2016)
Journal Article
Campbell, T. G., Davison, R., Florida-James, G., & Westbury, T. (2016). An exploratory study of the relationship between psychosocial hazard and ambulatory physiological response in higher education employees. International Journal of Workplace Health Management, 9(3), 360-374.

Purpose: as exposure to psychosocial hazard at work represents a substantial risk factor for employee health in many modern occupations, being able to accurately assess how employees cope with their working environment is crucial. As the workplace is... Read More about An exploratory study of the relationship between psychosocial hazard and ambulatory physiological response in higher education employees.

Relative age effect: implications for effective practice (2015)
Journal Article
Andronikos, G., Elumaro, A. I., Westbury, T., & Martindale, R. J. J. (2016). Relative age effect: implications for effective practice. Journal of Sports Sciences, 34(12), 1124-1131.

Physical and psychological differences related to birthdate amongst athletes of the same selection year have been characterised as the “relative age effects” (RAEs). RAEs have been identified in a variety of sports, both at youth and adult level, and... Read More about Relative age effect: implications for effective practice.

Injury occurrence and mood states during a desert ultramarathon (2012)
Journal Article
Graham, S. M., McKinley, M., Chris, C. C., Westbury, T., Baker, J. S., Kilgore, L., & Florida-James, G. (2012). Injury occurrence and mood states during a desert ultramarathon. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 22(6), 462-466.

Objective: To describe injuries and illnesses presented and profile mood states and sleep patterns during a desert environment ultramarathon.
Design: Prospective study gathering data on mood states and injury patterns.
Setting: Gobi Desert, Mongoli... Read More about Injury occurrence and mood states during a desert ultramarathon.