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Immediate effect of a spinal mobilisation intervention on muscle stiffness, tone and elasticity in subjects with lower back pain – A randomised cross-over trial (2021)
Journal Article
Hamilton, R., Garden, C. L., & Brown, S. J. (2022). Immediate effect of a spinal mobilisation intervention on muscle stiffness, tone and elasticity in subjects with lower back pain – A randomised cross-over trial. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 29, 60-67

Background: Despite the lack of objective evidence, spinal manual therapies have been common practice for many years, particularly for treatment of lower back pain (LBP). This exploratory study measured and analysed the effect of a spinal mobilisatio... Read More about Immediate effect of a spinal mobilisation intervention on muscle stiffness, tone and elasticity in subjects with lower back pain – A randomised cross-over trial.

Marker location and knee joint model constraint affect the reporting of overhead squat kinematics in elite youth football players (2021)
Journal Article
Coyne, L. M., Newell, M., Hoozemans, M. J. M., Morrison, A., & Brown, S. J. (2024). Marker location and knee joint model constraint affect the reporting of overhead squat kinematics in elite youth football players. Sports Biomechanics, 23(6), 740-757.

Motion capture systems are used in the analysis and interpretation of athlete movement patterns for a variety of reasons, but data integrity remains critical regardless of the purpose of measurement. The extent to which marker location or constrainin... Read More about Marker location and knee joint model constraint affect the reporting of overhead squat kinematics in elite youth football players.