What do pulmonary rehabilitation participants want their educational sessions to comprise of? Exploring a participant-centered approach to designing pulmonary rehabilitation education
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Roberts, N. J., McAloney-Kocaman, K., Ring, N., Ray, E., Turnbull, L., Jelen, T., & Porter-Armstrong, A. (2024, May). What do pulmonary rehabilitation participants want their educational sessions to comprise of? Exploring a participant-centered approach to designing pulmonary rehabilitation education. Presented at American Thoracic Societey 2024, San Diego, US
Outputs (3)
'I always say, not all programs are created equally'; a qualitative study exploring the educational experiences, learning needs and preferences of people attending Pulmonary Rehabilitation (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Roberts, N. J., Ray, E., Ring, N. J., Turnbull, L., Jelen, T., Macdonald, D., & Porter-Armstrong, A. (2023, September). 'I always say, not all programs are created equally'; a qualitative study exploring the educational experiences, learning needs and preferences of people attending Pulmonary Rehabilitation. Paper presented at Primary Care Respiratory Conference, Telford, UK
Creating certainty in a world of uncertainty: a systematic review and meta-ethnography to understand doctors` views and experiences of antibiotic prescribing in acute hospitals. (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wojcik, G., Ring, N., McCulloch, C., Willis, D., Kydonaki, K., & Williams, B. (2018, October). Creating certainty in a world of uncertainty: a systematic review and meta-ethnography to understand doctors` views and experiences of antibiotic prescribing in acute hospitals. Presented at 6th International Conference on Antibiotics, Antimicrobials and Resistance, Edinburgh, UKIntroduction
The rapid emergence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) poses a major threat to public health and patient safety due to associated morbidity, mortality and healthcare-associated infections. With the lack of new antibiotics currently in de... Read More about Creating certainty in a world of uncertainty: a systematic review and meta-ethnography to understand doctors` views and experiences of antibiotic prescribing in acute hospitals..