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Outputs (3)

Does being a nurse reduce likelihood of current smoking: an analysis of nationally representative data to investigate smoking across the UK nursing workforce (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Roberts, N. J., Roberts, N., Jamieson, M., Sharp, M. A., La Spada, L., Pathan, N., Butler, H., Nuttall, M., Hancock, C., Donovan, H., & Atherton, I. (2025, March). Does being a nurse reduce likelihood of current smoking: an analysis of nationally representative data to investigate smoking across the UK nursing workforce. Presented at TSANZ 2025, Adelaide

The “what, why, and how?” of story completion in health services research: a scoping review (2024)
Journal Article
Pong, C. Y., Roberts, N. J., & Lum, E. (2024). The “what, why, and how?” of story completion in health services research: a scoping review. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 24, Article 159.

Background: The story completion method provides a different way of doing qualitative research. We note the emergent popularity of this method in health-related research, while much remains to be negotiated in terms of best practices for such studies... Read More about The “what, why, and how?” of story completion in health services research: a scoping review.

What do pulmonary rehabilitation participants want their educational sessions to comprise of? Exploring a participant-centered approach to designing pulmonary rehabilitation education (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Roberts, N. J., McAloney-Kocaman, K., Ring, N., Ray, E., Turnbull, L., Jelen, T., & Porter-Armstrong, A. (2024, May). What do pulmonary rehabilitation participants want their educational sessions to comprise of? Exploring a participant-centered approach to designing pulmonary rehabilitation education. Presented at American Thoracic Societey 2024, San Diego, US