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British Thoracic Society Clinical Statement on pulmonary rehabilitation (2023)
Journal Article
Man, W., Chaplin, E., Daynes, E., Drummond, A., Evans, R. A., Greening, N. J., Nolan, C., Pavitt, M. J., Roberts, N. J., Vogiatzis, I., & Singh, S. J. (2023). British Thoracic Society Clinical Statement on pulmonary rehabilitation. Thorax, 78(Supplement 4),

The evidence-based British Thoracic Society (BTS) Guideline for pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) in adults was published in 2013.(1) There is a strong evidence base for the benefits of PR,(2) and it is one of the most cost-effective interventions for ad... Read More about British Thoracic Society Clinical Statement on pulmonary rehabilitation.

'I always say, not all programs are created equally'; a qualitative study exploring the educational experiences, learning needs and preferences of people attending Pulmonary Rehabilitation (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Roberts, N. J., Ray, E., Ring, N. J., Turnbull, L., Jelen, T., Macdonald, D., & Porter-Armstrong, A. (2023, September). 'I always say, not all programs are created equally'; a qualitative study exploring the educational experiences, learning needs and preferences of people attending Pulmonary Rehabilitation. Paper presented at Primary Care Respiratory Conference, Telford, UK