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Outputs (2)

Does being a nurse reduce likelihood of current smoking: an analysis of nationally representative data to investigate smoking across the UK nursing workforce (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Roberts, N. J., Roberts, N., Jamieson, M., Sharp, M. A., La Spada, L., Pathan, N., Butler, H., Nuttall, M., Hancock, C., Donovan, H., & Atherton, I. (2025, March). Does being a nurse reduce likelihood of current smoking: an analysis of nationally representative data to investigate smoking across the UK nursing workforce. Presented at TSANZ 2025, Adelaide

Police officer’s perspectives of people who use drugs: compassion or stigma? Evidence from an evaluation of Police Scotland’s naloxone pilot (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hillen, P., Heyman, I., Dougall, N., Murray, J., Aston, E., Jamieson, M., Speakman, E., & McAuley, A. (2024, March). Police officer’s perspectives of people who use drugs: compassion or stigma? Evidence from an evaluation of Police Scotland’s naloxone pilot. Presented at Drugs Research Network Webinar: ‘Drugs, Stigma and Emergency Services’, Online

This presentation explored selected quantitative and qualitative data from an evaluation of Police Scotland’s naloxone pilot. The data indicated that police officers in Scotland had a range of views about problem drug use, and people who use drugs (P... Read More about Police officer’s perspectives of people who use drugs: compassion or stigma? Evidence from an evaluation of Police Scotland’s naloxone pilot.