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Nurses' health-related behaviours: protocol for a quantitative systematic review of prevalence of tobacco smoking, physical activity, alcohol consumption and dietary habits (2015)
Journal Article
Neall, R. A., Atherton, I. M., & Kyle, R. G. (2016). Nurses' health-related behaviours: protocol for a quantitative systematic review of prevalence of tobacco smoking, physical activity, alcohol consumption and dietary habits. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 72(1), 197-204.

To enumerate nurses' health-related behaviour by critically appraising studies on tobacco smoking, physical activity, alcohol consumption and dietary habits.

Nurses represent the largest occupational group in healthcare systems in... Read More about Nurses' health-related behaviours: protocol for a quantitative systematic review of prevalence of tobacco smoking, physical activity, alcohol consumption and dietary habits.

“Everybody Knows Everybody Else’s Business”—Privacy in Rural Communities (2015)
Journal Article
Leung, J., Smith, A., Atherton, I., & McLaughlin, D. (2016). “Everybody Knows Everybody Else’s Business”—Privacy in Rural Communities. Journal of Cancer Education, 31(4), 811-812.

Patients have a right to privacy in a health care setting. This involves conversational discretion, security of medical records and physical privacy of remaining unnoticed or unidentified when using health care services other than by those who need t... Read More about “Everybody Knows Everybody Else’s Business”—Privacy in Rural Communities.