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Impact of area deprivation on the cardiac mortality in the UK between 1991 and 2010: evidence from a population-based longitudinal study (2020)
Journal Article
Jin, K., Neubeck, L., & Atherton, I. (2021). Impact of area deprivation on the cardiac mortality in the UK between 1991 and 2010: evidence from a population-based longitudinal study. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 20(5), 436-444.

Aim: Evidence from longitudinal studies on the influence of area deprivation in cardiac mortality is limited. We aimed to examine the impact of area deprivation on cardiac mortality in a large representative Scottish population. We also examined diff... Read More about Impact of area deprivation on the cardiac mortality in the UK between 1991 and 2010: evidence from a population-based longitudinal study.

Linkage of national health and social care data: a cross-sectional study of multimorbidity and social care use in people aged over 65 years in Scotland (2020)
Journal Article
Henderson, D. A., Atherton, I., McCowan, C., Mercer, S. W., & Bailey, N. (2021). Linkage of national health and social care data: a cross-sectional study of multimorbidity and social care use in people aged over 65 years in Scotland. Age and ageing, 50(1), 176-182.

Background: Little is known about the relationship between multimorbidity and social care use (also known as long-term care). The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between receipt of formal social care services and multimorbidity.... Read More about Linkage of national health and social care data: a cross-sectional study of multimorbidity and social care use in people aged over 65 years in Scotland.

Population health as a 'platform' for nurse education: A qualitative study of nursing leaders (2019)
Journal Article
Lasater, K., Atherton, I. M., & Kyle, R. G. (2020). Population health as a 'platform' for nurse education: A qualitative study of nursing leaders. Nurse Education Today, 86, Article 104313.

Background: Challenges to the sustainability of global healthcare systems are prompting a shift towards more population-focused models of care. Nurse educators need to develop courses that prepare students for population health practice. However, the... Read More about Population health as a 'platform' for nurse education: A qualitative study of nursing leaders.

Zooming out to prioritise population health in nurse education (2019)
Journal Article
Lasater, K., Kyle, R. G., & Atherton, I. M. (2019). Zooming out to prioritise population health in nurse education. Collegian, 26(5), 511-513.

In this Editorial, we argue that zooming out to prioritise population health in nurse education can: (1) Redefine population health as praxis; (2) Reposition nursing as a significant part of the movement to address global health care challenges; (3)... Read More about Zooming out to prioritise population health in nurse education.

Health-related behaviors of nurses and other healthcare professionals: a cross-sectional study using the Scottish Health Survey (2018)
Journal Article
Schneider, A., Bak, M., Mahoney, C., Hoyle, L., Ba, K., Atherton, I. M., & Kyle, R. G. (2019). Health-related behaviors of nurses and other healthcare professionals: a cross-sectional study using the Scottish Health Survey. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 75(6), 1239-1251.

Aims: To estimate the prevalence and co-occurrence of health-related behaviours among nurses in Scotland relative to other healthcare workers and those in non-healthcare occupations.
Design: Secondary analysis of nationally representative cross-sect... Read More about Health-related behaviors of nurses and other healthcare professionals: a cross-sectional study using the Scottish Health Survey.

A retrospective medical records review of risk factors for the development of respiratory tract secretions (death rattle) in the dying patient (2018)
Journal Article
Kolb, H., Snowden, A., Stevens, E., & Atherton, I. (2018). A retrospective medical records review of risk factors for the development of respiratory tract secretions (death rattle) in the dying patient. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 74(7), 1639-1648.

Aim: Identification of risk factors predicting the development of death rattle.
Background: Respiratory tract secretions, often called death rattle, are among the most common symptoms in dying patients around the world. It is unknown whether death r... Read More about A retrospective medical records review of risk factors for the development of respiratory tract secretions (death rattle) in the dying patient.

Obesity prevalence among healthcare professionals in England: a cross-sectional study using the Health Survey for England (2017)
Journal Article
Kyle, R. G., Wills, J., Mahoney, C., Hoyle, L., Kelly, M., & Atherton, I. M. (2017). Obesity prevalence among healthcare professionals in England: a cross-sectional study using the Health Survey for England. BMJ Open, 7(12), Article e018498.

Objective: To estimate obesity prevalence among healthcare professionals in England and compare prevalence to those working outside of the health services.
Design: Cross-sectional study based on data from five years (2008-2012) of the nationally rep... Read More about Obesity prevalence among healthcare professionals in England: a cross-sectional study using the Health Survey for England.

Nurses' health-related behaviours: protocol for a quantitative systematic review of prevalence of tobacco smoking, physical activity, alcohol consumption and dietary habits (2015)
Journal Article
Neall, R. A., Atherton, I. M., & Kyle, R. G. (2016). Nurses' health-related behaviours: protocol for a quantitative systematic review of prevalence of tobacco smoking, physical activity, alcohol consumption and dietary habits. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 72(1), 197-204.

To enumerate nurses' health-related behaviour by critically appraising studies on tobacco smoking, physical activity, alcohol consumption and dietary habits.

Nurses represent the largest occupational group in healthcare systems in... Read More about Nurses' health-related behaviours: protocol for a quantitative systematic review of prevalence of tobacco smoking, physical activity, alcohol consumption and dietary habits.

“Everybody Knows Everybody Else’s Business”—Privacy in Rural Communities (2015)
Journal Article
Leung, J., Smith, A., Atherton, I., & McLaughlin, D. (2016). “Everybody Knows Everybody Else’s Business”—Privacy in Rural Communities. Journal of Cancer Education, 31(4), 811-812.

Patients have a right to privacy in a health care setting. This involves conversational discretion, security of medical records and physical privacy of remaining unnoticed or unidentified when using health care services other than by those who need t... Read More about “Everybody Knows Everybody Else’s Business”—Privacy in Rural Communities.