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Chloride co-transporters as possible therapeutic targets for stroke (2016)
Journal Article
Martín-Aragón Baudel, M. A. S., Martín-Aragón Baudel, M. A. S., Poole, A. V., & Darlison, M. G. (2017). Chloride co-transporters as possible therapeutic targets for stroke. Journal of Neurochemistry, 140(2), 195-209.

Stroke is one of the major causes of death and disability worldwide. The major type of stroke is an ischaemic one, which is caused by a blockage that interrupts blood flow to the brain. There are currently very few pharmacological strategies to red... Read More about Chloride co-transporters as possible therapeutic targets for stroke.

Design and evaluation of novel theranostic fluorogenic dual probe-prodrug in cancer (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mathur, S., Mincher, D., Turnbull, A., Stevens, C., & Poole, A. Design and evaluation of novel theranostic fluorogenic dual probe-prodrug in cancer

Background: In spite of major advances in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, there remains a paucity of biomarkers for early detection. Legumain is a potential cancer biomarker and a molecular target for imaging and drug targeting. Legumain is a... Read More about Design and evaluation of novel theranostic fluorogenic dual probe-prodrug in cancer.