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Challenges and Considerations in Data Recovery from Solid State Media: A Comparative Analysis with Traditional Devices (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Spalding, A., Tan, Z., & Babaagba, K. O. (2023, November). Challenges and Considerations in Data Recovery from Solid State Media: A Comparative Analysis with Traditional Devices. Presented at The International Symposium on Intelligent and Trustworthy Computing, Communications, and Networking (ITCCN-2023), Exeter, UK

Data recovery for forensic analysis of both hard drives and solid state media presents its own unique set of challenges. Hard drives face mechanical failures and data fragmentation , but their sequential storage and higher success rates make recovery... Read More about Challenges and Considerations in Data Recovery from Solid State Media: A Comparative Analysis with Traditional Devices.

Responsible Design & Evaluation of a Conversational Agent for a National Careers Service (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wilson, M., Cruickshank, P., Gkatzia, D., & Robertson, P. (2023, September). Responsible Design & Evaluation of a Conversational Agent for a National Careers Service. Presented at Symposium on Future Directions in Information Access (FDIA) 2023, Vienna, Austria

This PhD project applies a research-through-design approach to the development of a conversational agent for a national career service for young people. This includes addressing practical, interactional and ethical aspects of the system. For each asp... Read More about Responsible Design & Evaluation of a Conversational Agent for a National Careers Service.

TouchEnc: a Novel Behavioural Encoding Technique to Enable Computer Vision for Continuous Smartphone User Authentication (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Aaby, P., Giuffrida, M. V., Buchanan, W. J., & Tan, Z. (2023, November). TouchEnc: a Novel Behavioural Encoding Technique to Enable Computer Vision for Continuous Smartphone User Authentication. Presented at The 22nd IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom-2023), Exeter, UK

We are increasingly required to prove our identity when using smartphones through explicit authentication processes such as passwords or physiological biometrics, e.g., authorising online banking transactions or unlocking smartphones. However, these... Read More about TouchEnc: a Novel Behavioural Encoding Technique to Enable Computer Vision for Continuous Smartphone User Authentication.

A critical review of the efficacy of the UN SDGs as conduits for collaboration in business tourism provision. Case Study Edinburgh & Melbourne (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Robertson, M., Pyke, J., & Drake, C. (2023, February). A critical review of the efficacy of the UN SDGs as conduits for collaboration in business tourism provision. Case Study Edinburgh & Melbourne. Presented at 33rd Annual Conference of the Council for Australasian Universities Tourism and Hospitality Education, Fremantle, Western Australia

Business events can support the needs of access, equality, and learning for work and social inclusion, and determine a greater range of benefits than had been previously considered (Edwards, Foley, & Schlenker, 2011; Foley, Edwards, & Schlenker, 2014... Read More about A critical review of the efficacy of the UN SDGs as conduits for collaboration in business tourism provision. Case Study Edinburgh & Melbourne.

The stuff we swim in: Regulation alone will not lead to justifiable trust in AI (2023)
Journal Article
Powers, S. T., Linnyk, O., Guckert, M., Hannig, J., Pitt, J., Urquhart, N., Ekart, A., Gumpfer, N., Han, A., Lewis, P. R., Marsh, S., & Weber, T. (2023). The stuff we swim in: Regulation alone will not lead to justifiable trust in AI. IEEE technology & society magazine, 42(4), 95-106.

Information technology is used ubiquitously and has become an integral part of everyday life. With the ever increasing pervasiveness and persuasiveness of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the function of socio-technical systems changes and must be consi... Read More about The stuff we swim in: Regulation alone will not lead to justifiable trust in AI.

Self-attention is What You Need to Fool a Speaker Recognition System (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wang, F., Song, R., Tan, Z., Li, Q., Wang, C., & Yang, Y. (2023, November). Self-attention is What You Need to Fool a Speaker Recognition System. Presented at The 22nd IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom-2023), Exeter, UK

Speaker Recognition Systems (SRSs) are becoming increasingly popular in various aspects of life due to advances in technology. However, these systems are vulnerable to cyber threats, particularly adversarial attacks. Traditional adversarial attack me... Read More about Self-attention is What You Need to Fool a Speaker Recognition System.

OPSEC VS Leaked Credentials: Password reuse in Large-Scale Data Leaks (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Uzonyi, D. G., Pitropakis, N., McKeown, S., & Politis, I. (2023, November). OPSEC VS Leaked Credentials: Password reuse in Large-Scale Data Leaks. Presented at 2023 IEEE 28th International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD), Edinburgh, UK

Security and authentication are ubiquitous problems that impact all modern networked systems. Password-based authentication systems are still prevalent, and information leaked via other channels may be used to attack networked systems. Researchers ha... Read More about OPSEC VS Leaked Credentials: Password reuse in Large-Scale Data Leaks.

Potential of Satellite-Airborne Sensing Technologies for Agriculture 4.0 and Climate-Resilient: A Review (2023)
Journal Article
Hazmy, A. I., Hawbani, A., Wang, X., Al-Dubai, A., Ghannami, A., Yahya, A. A., Zhao, L., & Alsamhi, S. H. (2024). Potential of Satellite-Airborne Sensing Technologies for Agriculture 4.0 and Climate-Resilient: A Review. IEEE Sensors Journal, 24(4), 4161-4180.

Agriculture 4.0 offers the potential to revolutionize the agriculture sector through improved productivity and efficiency. However, adopting Agriculture 4.0 requires a period of transition and effort. Satellite-Airborne sensing technologies may becom... Read More about Potential of Satellite-Airborne Sensing Technologies for Agriculture 4.0 and Climate-Resilient: A Review.

Evaluation of Frameworks That Combine Evolution and Learning to Design Robots in Complex Morphological Spaces (2023)
Journal Article
Li, W., Buchanan, E., Goff, L. K. L., Hart, E., Hale, M. F., Wei, B., Carlo, M. D., Angus, M., Woolley, R., Gan, Z., Winfield, A. F., Timmis, J., Eiben, A. E., & Tyrrell, A. M. (2024). Evaluation of Frameworks That Combine Evolution and Learning to Design Robots in Complex Morphological Spaces. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 28(6), 1561 - 1574.

Jointly optimising both the body and brain of a robot is known to be a challenging task, especially when attempting to evolve designs in simulation that will subsequently be built in the real world. To address this, it is increasingly common to combi... Read More about Evaluation of Frameworks That Combine Evolution and Learning to Design Robots in Complex Morphological Spaces.

Can HP-protein folding be solved with genetic algorithms? Maybe not (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Jansen, R., Horn, R., van Eck, O., Version, K., Thomson, S. L., & van den Berg, D. (2023, November). Can HP-protein folding be solved with genetic algorithms? Maybe not. Presented at ECTA 2023 15th International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications, Rome, Italy

Genetic algorithms might not be able to solve the HP-protein folding problem because creating random individuals for an initial population is very hard, if not impossible. The reason for this, is that the expected number of constraint violations incr... Read More about Can HP-protein folding be solved with genetic algorithms? Maybe not.

Too Constrained for Genetic Algorithms. Too Hard for Evolutionary Computing. The Traveling Tournament Problem. (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Verduin, K., Thomson, S. L., & van den Berg, D. (2023, November). Too Constrained for Genetic Algorithms. Too Hard for Evolutionary Computing. The Traveling Tournament Problem. Presented at ECTA 2023 15th International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications, Rome, Italy

Unlike other NP-hard problems, the constraints on the traveling tournament problem are so pressing that it’s hardly possible to randomly generate a valid solution, for example, to use in a genetic algorithm’s initial population. In this study, we ran... Read More about Too Constrained for Genetic Algorithms. Too Hard for Evolutionary Computing. The Traveling Tournament Problem..

RLT 30 YEARS Research in Learning Technology: making friends and influencing people (2023)
Journal Article
Brunton, J., Bennett, L., Drumm, L., Flavin, M., Honeychurch, S., Thomson, S., & Varga-Atkins, T. (2023). RLT 30 YEARS Research in Learning Technology: making friends and influencing people. Research in Learning Technology, 31,

The first issue of Research in Learning Technology (RLT) was published in 1993. Over 30 years, the journal has comprised an informal research and development facility for new ideas and practices in technology enhanced learning. This paper takes nine... Read More about RLT 30 YEARS Research in Learning Technology: making friends and influencing people.

The Opaque Nature of Intelligence and the Pursuit of Explainable AI (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Thomson, S. L., van Stein, N., van den Berg, D., & van Leeuwen, C. (2023, November). The Opaque Nature of Intelligence and the Pursuit of Explainable AI. Presented at NCTA 2023: 15th International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications, Rome, Italy

When artificial intelligence is used for making decisions, people are more likely to accept those decisions if they can be made intelligible to the public. This understanding has led to the emerging field of explainable artificial intelligence. We re... Read More about The Opaque Nature of Intelligence and the Pursuit of Explainable AI.

Unpublished documents: Tate Jukka and Pekka (2016) and Tate Vaino (2016); and their 13 derivates (2023)
Exhibition / Performance
Turtola, N. Unpublished documents: Tate Jukka and Pekka (2016) and Tate Vaino (2016); and their 13 derivates. [Print]. Exhibited at Espoo, Finland. 30 November 2023 - 1 December 2023

This experiment consists of 15 pages, 13 of which were created in 2023 in the process of revising the original 2016 writing. Turtola communicates/reveals and hides/disguises the original semantic meanings, words and their original narrative using fou... Read More about Unpublished documents: Tate Jukka and Pekka (2016) and Tate Vaino (2016); and their 13 derivates.

Assessing the Impacts of Advanced Heating Controls in UK Households: A Comparative Study and Systematic Review (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Morton, A. (2023, November). Assessing the Impacts of Advanced Heating Controls in UK Households: A Comparative Study and Systematic Review. Presented at Behave 2023: The 7th European Conference on Behaviour Change for Energy Efficiency, Maastrich, The Netherlands

With climate change presenting unprecedented challenges globally, the need for effective, and sustainable, energy transition measures have become increasingly paramount. The domestic sector, whilst responsible for a substantial share of energy consum... Read More about Assessing the Impacts of Advanced Heating Controls in UK Households: A Comparative Study and Systematic Review.

The emotional labour of teleworkers conducting online counselling during Covid-19. (2023)
Journal Article
O'Neil, J., Heidl, B. H., Bratton, A., Vossler, A., & Moller, N. (2024). The emotional labour of teleworkers conducting online counselling during Covid-19. New Technology, Work and Employment, 39(2), 238-258.

Drawing on emotional labour theory, this paper explores the barriers to emotionally complex telework, with a specific focus on the space, interface and pace of work. We examine the working lives of mental health counsellors who adapted from in‐person... Read More about The emotional labour of teleworkers conducting online counselling during Covid-19..

Content Curation: Best Practices and Techniques (2023)
Book Chapter
Cameron, J. (2023). Content Curation: Best Practices and Techniques. In Digital Content Marketing: Creating Value in Practice (140-158). Routledge.

In this chapter you will learn how carefully considered content curation can play a highly effective role in stimulating brand-related engagement, in particular on social media channels. Marketing concepts and theories that shed light on brand-relate... Read More about Content Curation: Best Practices and Techniques.

Content Marketing Ideation: How to Generate and Manage Creative Concepts (2023)
Book Chapter
Cameron, J. (2023). Content Marketing Ideation: How to Generate and Manage Creative Concepts. In Digital Content Marketing: Creating Value in Practice (31-60). Routledge.

This chapter talks about the process of idea generation for content marketing. It discusses how content marketers generate creative ideas and introduces theories and concepts about creative processes. The chapter also provides recommendations on how... Read More about Content Marketing Ideation: How to Generate and Manage Creative Concepts.

Minkowski Based Microwave Resonator for Material Detection over Sub-6 GHz 5G Spectrum (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Anwer, A. I., Alibakhshikenari, . M., Elwi, T., Virdee, B., Kouhalvandi, L., Abdul Hassain, Z. A., Soruri, . M., Tokan, N. T., Ojaroudi Parchin, N., See, C. H., & Livreri, P. (2023, October). Minkowski Based Microwave Resonator for Material Detection over Sub-6 GHz 5G Spectrum. Presented at 2023 2nd International Conference on 6G Networking (6GNet), Paris, France

This paper describes the performance of a low-cost, high-sensitive microwave resonator for 5G modern wireless communication systems operating through sub-6GHz spectrum. Here, the proposed resonator is constructed from a Minkowski fractal open stub th... Read More about Minkowski Based Microwave Resonator for Material Detection over Sub-6 GHz 5G Spectrum.

Managing smart city governance: A playbook for local and regional governments (2023)
Beckers, D., Gerli, P., Mora, L., Thabit, S., & Tonnarelli, F. (2023). Managing smart city governance: A playbook for local and regional governments. Nairobi, Kenya: United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)

This playbook and its recommendations are primarily aimed at municipal governments and their political leaders, local administrators, and public officials who are involved in smart city initiatives. The recommendations, which are delineated in the su... Read More about Managing smart city governance: A playbook for local and regional governments.