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Outputs (82)

Parallel Programming Made Simple: Using Groovy Parallel Patterns (2021)
Kerridge, J. (2021). Parallel Programming Made Simple: Using Groovy Parallel Patterns.

The use of the Groovy Parallel Patterns Library is described, using many diverse examples, showing how a parallel application can be easily created from existing sequential codes.

Investigation of visual aspects of developmental dyslexia in children (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Piotrowska, B., Murray, J., Willis, A., & Kerridge, J. Investigation of visual aspects of developmental dyslexia in children

Developmental dyslexia is a disorder characterised by difficulties with reading, despite adequate intelligence and education. Phonological deficits are often indicated as the primary cause of dyslexia. Because a range of lower-level perceptual, atten... Read More about Investigation of visual aspects of developmental dyslexia in children.

Communicating Connected Components: Extending Plug-and-Play to Support Skeletons (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Chalmers, K., Kerridge, J., & Pedersen, J. B. (2016, August). Communicating Connected Components: Extending Plug-and-Play to Support Skeletons. Presented at Communicating Process Architectures 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark

For a number of years, the Communicating Process Architecture (CPA) community have developed languages and runtimes supporting message passing concurrency. For these we always provide a set of reusable processes called plug and play. These components... Read More about Communicating Connected Components: Extending Plug-and-Play to Support Skeletons.

Process discovery in highly parallel distributed systems. (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kerridge, J. (2014, August). Process discovery in highly parallel distributed systems. Presented at Communicating Process Architectures 2014

In distributed data processing systems it may happen that data arrives for
processing for which the appropriate algorithm is not available on the specific node
of the distributed system. It is however known that the required algorithm is
available... Read More about Process discovery in highly parallel distributed systems..

Performance on a tablet-based visual-spatial-motor task is compromised in adults and children with dyslexia: implications for the development of a novel screening tool (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Willis, A., Piotrowska, B., Bannach-Brown, A., MacLean, R. D. J., & Kerridge, J. (2014, March). Performance on a tablet-based visual-spatial-motor task is compromised in adults and children with dyslexia: implications for the development of a novel screening tool

Many adults and children with dyslexia also have problems with lower-level sensory, attentional, or motor tasks. In particular, there may be problems with auditory processing1, visual motion processing2-3, visual-spatial attention4, and motor control... Read More about Performance on a tablet-based visual-spatial-motor task is compromised in adults and children with dyslexia: implications for the development of a novel screening tool.

Verifying the CPA Networking Stack using SPIN/Promela. (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Chalmers, K., & Kerridge, J. (2013, August). Verifying the CPA Networking Stack using SPIN/Promela. Presented at 35th WoTUG conference on concurrent and parallel programming

This paper presents a verification of the CPA Networking Stack, using the SPIN Model Checker. Our work shows that the system developed for general networking within CPA applications works under the conditions defined for it. The model itself focuses... Read More about Verifying the CPA Networking Stack using SPIN/Promela..

RDF recipes for context-aware interoperability in pervasive systems. (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kosek, A., Syed, A., & Kerridge, J. (2010, June). RDF recipes for context-aware interoperability in pervasive systems. Presented at IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications 2010

Nowadays home automation systems integrate many devices from security system, heating, ventilation and air conditioning system, lighting system or audio-video systems. Every time a new device is installed, problems with connecting it to other devices... Read More about RDF recipes for context-aware interoperability in pervasive systems..

Performance of the distributed CPA protocol and architecture on traditional networks. (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Chalmers, K. (2011, June). Performance of the distributed CPA protocol and architecture on traditional networks. Presented at 33rd Communicating Process Architecture (CPA) conference

Performance of communication mechanisms is very important in distributed systems frameworks, especially when the aim is to provide a particular type of behavior across a network. In this paper, performance measurements of the distributed Communicatin... Read More about Performance of the distributed CPA protocol and architecture on traditional networks..

Experiments in Multicore and Distributed Parallel Processing using JCSP (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kerridge, J. (2011, June). Experiments in Multicore and Distributed Parallel Processing using JCSP. Presented at 33rd Communicating Process Architecture (CPA) Conference, University of Limerick, Ireland

It is currently very difficult to purchase any form of computer system be it, notebook, laptop, desktop server or high performance computing system that does not contain a multicore processor. Yet the designers of applications, in general, have very... Read More about Experiments in Multicore and Distributed Parallel Processing using JCSP.

Evaluating an emergent behaviour algorithm in JCSP for energy conservation in lighting systems. (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kosek, A., Syed, A., & Kerridge, J. (2011, June). Evaluating an emergent behaviour algorithm in JCSP for energy conservation in lighting systems. Presented at 33rd Communicating Process Architecture (CPA) conference

Since the invention of the light bulb, artificial light is accompanying people all around the world every day and night. As the light bulb itself evolved a lot through years, light control systems are still switch-based and require users to make most... Read More about Evaluating an emergent behaviour algorithm in JCSP for energy conservation in lighting systems..

An investigation into distributed channel mobility support for Communicating Process Architectures. (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Chalmers, K., & Kerridge, J. (2009, November). An investigation into distributed channel mobility support for Communicating Process Architectures. Presented at 32nd Communicating Process Architecture conference (CPA)

Localised mobile channel support is now a feature of Communicating Process Architecture (CPA) based frameworks, from JCSP and C++CSP to occam-pi. Distributed mobile channel support has also been attempted in JCSP Networking and occam-pi via the pony... Read More about An investigation into distributed channel mobility support for Communicating Process Architectures..

Application of CoSMoS parallel design patterns to a pedestrian simulation. (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Clayton, S., Urquhart, N. B., & Kerridge, J. (2009, September). Application of CoSMoS parallel design patterns to a pedestrian simulation. Presented at International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics PPAM 2009: Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics

In this paper, we discuss the implementation of a simple pedestrian simulation that uses a multi agent based design pattern developed by the CoSMoS research group. Given the nature of Multi Agent Systems (MAS), parallel processing techniques are inev... Read More about Application of CoSMoS parallel design patterns to a pedestrian simulation..

JCSP agents-based service discovery for pervasive computing. (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kosek, A., Kerridge, J., Syed, A., & Armitage, A. (2009, November). JCSP agents-based service discovery for pervasive computing. Presented at Communicating Process Architectures 2009 - WoTUG-32

Device and service discovery is a very important topic when considering pervasive environments. The discovery mechanism is required to work in networks with dynamic topology and on limited software, and be able to accept different device descriptions... Read More about JCSP agents-based service discovery for pervasive computing..

A dynamic connection capability for pervasive adaptive environments using JCSP (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kosek, A., Syed, A., Kerridge, J., & Armitage, A. (2009, April). A dynamic connection capability for pervasive adaptive environments using JCSP. Paper presented at AISB 2009 Convention

The house, office or warehouse environment is full of
devices that make users’ life and work easier. People nowadays use personal computers, laptops, Personal Digital Assistants, mobile phones and many more devices with ease. The mechanism to connec... Read More about A dynamic connection capability for pervasive adaptive environments using JCSP.

Modelling a Multi-Core Media Processor Using JCSP (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kosek, A., Kerridge, J., & Syed, A. (2008, September). Modelling a Multi-Core Media Processor Using JCSP. Presented at 31st Communicating Process Architectures Conference, CPA 2008, University of York, UK

Manufacturers are creating multi-core processors to solve specialized problems. This kind of processor can process tasks faster by running them in parallel. This paper explores the usability of the Communicating Sequential Processes model to create a... Read More about Modelling a Multi-Core Media Processor Using JCSP.

JCSPre: the Robot Edition to Control LEGO NXT Robots (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kerridge, J., Panayotopoulos, A., & Lismore, P. (2008, September). JCSPre: the Robot Edition to Control LEGO NXT Robots. Presented at 31st Communicating Process Architectures Conference, CPA 2008, University of York, UK

JCSPre is a highly reduced version of the JCSP (Communicating Sequential Processes for Java) parallel programming environment. JCSPre has been implemented on a LEGO Mindstorms NXT brick using the LeJOS Java runtime environment. The LeJOS environment... Read More about JCSPre: the Robot Edition to Control LEGO NXT Robots.

Mobile agents and processes using communicating process architectures. (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kerridge, J., Haschke, J.-O., & Chalmers, K. (2008, September). Mobile agents and processes using communicating process architectures. Presented at 31st Communicating Process Architectures 2008

The mobile agent concept has been developed over a number of years and is widely accepted as one way of solving problems that require the achievement of a goal that cannot be serviced at a specific node in a network. The concept of a mobile process i... Read More about Mobile agents and processes using communicating process architectures..

A critique of JCSP networking (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Chalmers, K., Kerridge, J., & Romdhani, I. (2008, September). A critique of JCSP networking. Presented at 31st Communicating Process Architectures 2008, York, UK

We present a critical investigation of the current implementation of JCSP Networking, examining in detail the structure and behavior of the current architecture. Information is presented detailing the current architecture and how it operates, and wea... Read More about A critique of JCSP networking.

Collecting Pedestrian Trajectory Data In Real-time (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kerridge, J., Keller, S., Chamberlain, T., & Sumpter, N. (2005, September). Collecting Pedestrian Trajectory Data In Real-time. Presented at Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2005, Vienna

The ability to collect pedestrian flow data, without the need for subsequent post-processing and analysis to extract measurements such as density and flow rate is a goal, which up to now, has proved infeasible on a large scale for a number of reasons... Read More about Collecting Pedestrian Trajectory Data In Real-time.