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Interoperable Services for Federations of Database System (2002)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Roantree, M., Kennedy, J., & Barclay, P. J. (2001, September). Interoperable Services for Federations of Database System. Presented at Fifth East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS'2001)

The problems associated with defining interoperable protocols for heterogenous information systems has been the subject of researchers for many years. While numerous solutions have been offered, the problem remains unsolved, mainly due to the distinc... Read More about Interoperable Services for Federations of Database System.

Implementation of the Prometheus Taxonomic Model: a comparison of database models and query languages and an introduction to the Prometheus Object-Oriented Model. (2002)
Journal Article
Raguenaud, C., Pullan, M. R., Watson, M. F., Kennedy, J., Newman, M. F., & Barclay, P. J. (2002). Implementation of the Prometheus Taxonomic Model: a comparison of database models and query languages and an introduction to the Prometheus Object-Oriented Model. Taxon, 51(1), 131-142.

Types of databases commonly used for handling taxonomic data are compared. It is shown that none of the existing types of databases fully support the requirements of taxonomic data. The results of this comparison provide a rationale for the design an... Read More about Implementation of the Prometheus Taxonomic Model: a comparison of database models and query languages and an introduction to the Prometheus Object-Oriented Model..