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Hyper-parameter initialization of classification algorithms using dynamic time warping: A perspective on PCA meta-features (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Horváth, T., Mantovani, R. G., & de Carvalho, A. C. Hyper-parameter initialization of classification algorithms using dynamic time warping: A perspective on PCA meta-features

Meta-learning, a concept from the area of automated machine learning, aims at providing decision support for data scientists by recommending a suitable setting (a machine learning algorithm or its hyper-parameters) to be used for a given dataset. Suc... Read More about Hyper-parameter initialization of classification algorithms using dynamic time warping: A perspective on PCA meta-features.

Object Detection Using Sim2Real Domain Randomization for Robotic Applications (2022)
Journal Article
Horváth, D., Erdős, G., Istenes, Z., Horváth, T., & Földi, S. (2023). Object Detection Using Sim2Real Domain Randomization for Robotic Applications. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 39(2), 1225-1243.

Robots working in unstructured environments must be capable of sensing and interpreting their surroundings. One of the main obstacles of deep-learning-based models in the field of robotics is the lack of domain-specific labeled data for different ind... Read More about Object Detection Using Sim2Real Domain Randomization for Robotic Applications.

Dynamic noise filtering for multi-class classification of beehive audio data (2022)
Journal Article
Várkonyi, D. T., Seixas Junior, J. L., & Horváth, T. (2023). Dynamic noise filtering for multi-class classification of beehive audio data. Expert Systems with Applications, 213(Part A), Article 118850.

Honeybees are the most specialized insect pollinators and are critical not only for honey production but, also, for keeping the environmental balance by pollinating the flowers of a wide variety of crops.

Recording and analyzing bee sounds became... Read More about Dynamic noise filtering for multi-class classification of beehive audio data.

Tracing the Local Breeds in an Outdoor System – A Hungarian Example with Mangalica Pig Breed (2022)
Book Chapter
Alexy, M., & Horváth, T. Tracing the Local Breeds in an Outdoor System – A Hungarian Example with Mangalica Pig Breed. In Tracing the Domestic Pig. IntechOpen.

Pig farming is largely characterized by closed, large-scale housing technology. These systems are driven by resource efficiency. In intensive technologies, humans control almost completely. However, there are pig farming systems where humans have jus... Read More about Tracing the Local Breeds in an Outdoor System – A Hungarian Example with Mangalica Pig Breed.