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Outputs (8)

Minor Modernisms: The Scottish Renaissance and the Translation of German-language Modernism (2019)
Journal Article
Lyall, S. (2019). Minor Modernisms: The Scottish Renaissance and the Translation of German-language Modernism. Modernist Cultures, 14(2), 213-235.

Germany has been epitomised in the twentieth century as Britain’s main rival and adversary. Yet Scottish modernists were influenced by Germany and German-language modernism to think more internationally about their nation and work, a cultural encount... Read More about Minor Modernisms: The Scottish Renaissance and the Translation of German-language Modernism.

Scotland’s Top Ten & the Inadequacy of a National Canon: Alasdair Gray’s Lanark (1981) (2017)
Journal Article
Lyall, S. (2017). Scotland’s Top Ten & the Inadequacy of a National Canon: Alasdair Gray’s Lanark (1981). Studies in Scottish literature, 43(2), Article 9

Discusses the healthy overlap in the recent BBC Scotland poll on Scotland's Favourite Novel between popular appeal and critical recognition; judges Gray's Lanark as "Scotland's greatest modern novel," which "deserves to be much better known internati... Read More about Scotland’s Top Ten & the Inadequacy of a National Canon: Alasdair Gray’s Lanark (1981).

'Hauntings of Celticism': Fionn Mac Colla and the Myth of History (2014)
Journal Article
Lyall, S. (2014). 'Hauntings of Celticism': Fionn Mac Colla and the Myth of History. Literature and History, 23(2), 51-66.

Fionn Mac Colla’s ideas of history can be characterised as postcolonial in their critique of historical determinism, Cartesian dualism and Whig progressivism. He utilises his theories, which encompass the psychological implications for individuals an... Read More about 'Hauntings of Celticism': Fionn Mac Colla and the Myth of History.

‘That ancient self’: Scottish Modernism’s Counter-Renaissance (2014)
Journal Article
Lyall, S. (2014). ‘That ancient self’: Scottish Modernism’s Counter-Renaissance. European Journal of English Studies, 18(1), 73-85.

This essay argues that the twentieth-century movement of literary and cultural revival known as the Scottish Renaissance was, like the Irish Revival lead by W.B. Yeats, a counter-Renaissance against the anti-national ideals of the Renaissance; it was... Read More about ‘That ancient self’: Scottish Modernism’s Counter-Renaissance.

Genius in a provincial town: MacDiarmid's poetry and politics in Montrose (2004)
Journal Article
Lyall, S. (2004). Genius in a provincial town: MacDiarmid's poetry and politics in Montrose. Scottish studies review, 5(2), 41-55

Explores the ways in which the activities of Christopher Murray Grieve in Montrose, Scotland as a journalist with the "Montrose Review," helped in the finding of poet Hugh MacDiarmid. Examination of MacDiarmid's professional working life; Analysis of... Read More about Genius in a provincial town: MacDiarmid's poetry and politics in Montrose.