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Fast Forensic Triage Using Centralised Thumbnail Caches on Windows Operating Systems (2020)
Journal Article
Mckeown, S., Russell, G., & Leimich, P. (2020). Fast Forensic Triage Using Centralised Thumbnail Caches on Windows Operating Systems. Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law, 14(3), Article 1

A common investigative task is to identify known contraband images on a device, which typically involves calculating cryptographic hashes for all the files on a disk and checking these against a database of known contraband. However, modern drives ar... Read More about Fast Forensic Triage Using Centralised Thumbnail Caches on Windows Operating Systems.

A Forensic Audit of the Tor Browser Bundle (2019)
Journal Article
Muir, M., Leimich, P., & Buchanan, W. J. (2019). A Forensic Audit of the Tor Browser Bundle. Digital Investigation, 29, 118-128.

The increasing use of encrypted data within file storage and in network communications leaves investigators with many challenges. One of the most challenging is the Tor protocol, as its main focus is to protect the privacy of the user, in both its lo... Read More about A Forensic Audit of the Tor Browser Bundle.

Fingerprinting JPEGs With Optimised Huffman Tables (2018)
Journal Article
McKeown, S., Russell, G., & Leimich, P. (2018). Fingerprinting JPEGs With Optimised Huffman Tables. Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law, 13(2), Article 7.

A common task in digital forensics investigations is to identify known contraband images. This is typically achieved by calculating a cryptographic digest, using hashing algorithms such as SHA256, for each image on a given medium, and comparing indiv... Read More about Fingerprinting JPEGs With Optimised Huffman Tables.