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Outputs (4)

Theoretical and organisational background. (2016)
Book Chapter
Matthews-Smith, G., Afseth, J., & Huotari, P. (2016). Theoretical and organisational background. In Z. Havrdová, G. Matthews-Smith, & P. Huotari (Eds.), Developing Cross-Cultural Competencies in Health and Social Care Management (9-14). Lahti University of Applied Sciences

Abstract not available.

Evaluation (2016)
Book Chapter
Matthews-Smith, G., & Afseth, J. (2016). Evaluation. In Z. Havrdová, G. Matthews-Smith, & P. Huotari (Eds.), Developing Cross-Cultural Competencies in Health and Social Care Management (39-58). Lahti University of Applied Sciences

Abstract not available.

Summary and Conclusions. (2016)
Book Chapter
Havrdová, Z., Matthews‑Smith, G., Huotari, P., & Agostinho, M. (2016). Summary and Conclusions. In Z. Havrdová, G. Matthews-Smith, & P. Huotari (Eds.), Developing Cross-Cultural Competencies in Health and Social Care Management (59-70). Lahti University of Applied Sciences

Abstract not available.

Value-based Healthcare: Utopian vision or fit for Purpose. (2016)
Book Chapter
Garavan, T., & Matthews-Smith, G. (2016). Value-based Healthcare: Utopian vision or fit for Purpose. In A. Ortenblad, C. Abrahamson Lofstrom, & R. Sheaff (Eds.), Management Innovations for Healthcare organizations (412-430). (1). Routledge