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'I hope we can handle it': A study examining student ability beliefs and motivations before transition (2016)
Journal Article
Meharg, D., Craighill, S., Varey, A., & Tizard, J. (2016). 'I hope we can handle it': A study examining student ability beliefs and motivations before transition. Education in the North, 23(2), 128-140

This paper employs the ‘Expectancy-Value Model of Achievement Motivation’ (Wigfield and Eccles, 2000) to identify performance barriers and facilitators for further education students continuing their studies at university. Using this model to unders... Read More about 'I hope we can handle it': A study examining student ability beliefs and motivations before transition.

Partnership and preparation: a new model of transition from college to university (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Meharg, D., & Fotheringham, J. (2014, April). Partnership and preparation: a new model of transition from college to university. Presented at Attainment for All: Inclusivity, Diversity and Success in LTHE: First Annual Conference on Equality and Diversity in Teaching and Learning in Scottish Higher Education, Glasgow

Widening participation in higher education continues to be a key focus for Scottish government and the 2013 Post-16 Education (Scotland) Act places obligations upon Universities to achieve progress in this regard. The Act also makes provision for Add... Read More about Partnership and preparation: a new model of transition from college to university.