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Outputs (2)

Truly distributed control systems using fieldbus technology. (2000)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Scott, A., & Buchanan, W. J. (2000, April). Truly distributed control systems using fieldbus technology

This paper outlines the three main field bus type standards: FOUNDATION Fieldbus; WorldFIP; and the CAN bus, each of which have great advantages over traditional instrumentation networking technology. The paper shows, using their specification, how t... Read More about Truly distributed control systems using fieldbus technology..

Enhancing network management using mobile agents. (2000)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Buchanan, W. J., Naylor, M., & Scott, A. (2000, April). Enhancing network management using mobile agents

Agent mobility addresses some limitations faced by classic client/server architecture, namely, in minimising bandwidth consumption, in supporting adaptive network load balancing and in solving problems caused by intermittent or unreliable network con... Read More about Enhancing network management using mobile agents..