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Outputs (3)

Dolorosa Sinaga: Tubuh, Bentuk dan Substansi - Analisa, Asal-Usul Artistik dan Arsip (2019)
Supartono, A., & Karsono, S. (Eds.). (2019). Dolorosa Sinaga: Tubuh, Bentuk dan Substansi - Analisa, Asal-Usul Artistik dan Arsip. Jakarta Art Institute Press

Dolorosa Sinaga: Body, Form, Matter brings together 40 years of work explored through inter-disciplinary readings. Dolorosa Sinaga (b. 1953) is one of the most accomplished, celebrated and intriguing figures in Indonesian contemporary art scene. Dolo... Read More about Dolorosa Sinaga: Tubuh, Bentuk dan Substansi - Analisa, Asal-Usul Artistik dan Arsip.

Stories Beyond Matter: Catalogue, Gallery, Anthology, and Biography (2019)
Book Chapter
Supartono, A. (2019). Stories Beyond Matter: Catalogue, Gallery, Anthology, and Biography. In Dolorosa Sinaga: Body, Form, Matter (10-39). Jakarta Art Institute Press

Supartono, A. (2019). Stories Beyond Matter: Catalogue, Gallery, Anthology, and Biography. In Dolorosa Sinaga: Body, Form, Matter (10-39). Jakarta, Indonesia: Jakarta Art Institute Press.

Cultural antinomies, creative complicities: Agan Harahap's digital hoaxes (2019)
Book Chapter
Moschovi, A., & Supartono, A. (2019). Cultural antinomies, creative complicities: Agan Harahap's digital hoaxes. In H. Lewi, W. Smith, S. Cooke, & D. vom Lehn (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of New Digital Practices in Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums and Heritage Sites (227-240). Routledge

The chapter explores how creative repurposing of networked photographs and online interactivity may open new channels and networks for the critical re-evaluation of mainstream culture and subcultures, identity politics, history and power structures.... Read More about Cultural antinomies, creative complicities: Agan Harahap's digital hoaxes.