Mittens Intervention for Tube Tugging After Stroke
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mahoney, C., Horsburgh, D., Rowat, A., Alder, B., Dennis, M., & Taylor, P. (2005, October). Mittens Intervention for Tube Tugging After Stroke. Poster presented at Scottish Stroke Conference, Perth
Mittens Intervention for Tube Tugging After Stroke (2005)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mahoney, C., Rowat, A., Horsburgh, D., Lewis, S., Taylor, P., Alder, E., & Dennis, M. (2005, May). Mittens Intervention for Tube Tugging After Stroke. Poster presented at British Stroke Association, HarrogateMahoney, C. (2005, May). Mittens Intervention for Tube Tugging After Stroke. Poster presented at British Stroke Association, Harrogate.
Mittens Intervention for Tube Tugging After Stroke (2005)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mahoney, C. (2005, April). Mittens Intervention for Tube Tugging After Stroke. Presented at Postgraduate Research Conference, EdinburghMahoney, C. (2005, April). Mittens Intervention for Tube Tugging After Stroke. Presented at Postgraduate Research Conference, Edinburgh.
Quality of life in care: The resident's perspective (2005)
Journal Article
Kydd, A. (2005). Quality of life in care: The resident's perspective. Nursing & residential care : the monthly journal for care assistants, nurses and managers working in health and social care, 7(1), 20-23. Kydd reports on a study that asked older people about their lives. Of those surveyed, 13 were in hospital waiting to be moved to a care home and eight were in settled care home environments.