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Finite Element Analysis of Timber Joints Made with Welded Steel Gussets and Dowels (1994)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Goh, H., & Kermani, A. (1994, August). Finite Element Analysis of Timber Joints Made with Welded Steel Gussets and Dowels. Presented at 2nd International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Athens, Greece

Three-dimensional non-linear finite element analysis was used to study the structural behaviour and performance of timber joints made with welded steel gusset plates and dowels. The behaviour of such structural systems, which consist of timber member... Read More about Finite Element Analysis of Timber Joints Made with Welded Steel Gussets and Dowels.

Behaviour of Timber Joints made with welded steel Gussets and dowels (1994)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kermani, A., & Goh, H. C. C. (1994, July). Behaviour of Timber Joints made with welded steel Gussets and dowels. Presented at Pacific Timber Engineering Conference

Behaviour of timber joints made with welded steel gussets and dowels.

A Study of Structural Behaviour and Performance of Pitched Timber Portals (1994)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kermani, A. (1994, July). A Study of Structural Behaviour and Performance of Pitched Timber Portals. Presented at International Conference on Full-Scale Behaviour of Low-Rise Buildings

A Study of Structural Behaviour and Performance of Pitched Timber Portals.

Measurement of the electrical properties of concrete at radio frequencies (1994)
Starrs, G. Measurement of the electrical properties of concrete at radio frequencies. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

This thesis is a presentation of research into the elecrical properties of concrete at radio frequencies (1-1000 MHz). The physical properties of concrete are examined and found to be profoundly influenced by water both at gauging and at later stages... Read More about Measurement of the electrical properties of concrete at radio frequencies.