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Three solutions for a robot arm controller using Pascal-Plus, occam and edison (1984)
Journal Article
Kerridge, J. M., & Simpson, D. (1984). Three solutions for a robot arm controller using Pascal-Plus, occam and edison. Software: Practice and Experience, 14(1), 3-15.

Three currently available concurrent language systems, Pascal‐Plus, occam and Edison, are used to implement a controller for a robot arm. The robot arm allows real parallelism of operation within the movements of the arm. The feasibility and restrict... Read More about Three solutions for a robot arm controller using Pascal-Plus, occam and edison.

An architecture and syntax for distributed databases (1984)
Journal Article
Alexander, H., Beetstra, T., Bell, D., Cannan, S., Dee, E., Doyle, P., Fitzgerald, G., French, C., Jefferys, J., Kerridge, J., Pilgrim, W., Rabone, D., Ras, F., Reilly, M., Robinson, H., Stacey, G., & Weatherhead, A. (1984). An architecture and syntax for distributed databases. Computers and Standards, 3(1), 33-56.

Recently, there has been a lot of work undertaken in the area of distributed databases. The architecture and syntax presented in this paper is a response to the very real need for the development of a unified approach to distributed databases. The de... Read More about An architecture and syntax for distributed databases.